mister. kyle looks over at the boy in his arms. ghostly white eyes stare back at him. i'm sorry! i didn't mean to! you're gonna die now. the boy moves toward audrey, stepping over kyle's body. audrey backs away. she looks toward the entrance to the diner. blocked by advancing creatures. they're everywhere. she's trapped. she notices the open door to the minivan. and so she bolts. audrey dives into the car as the throng of creatures rapidly closes in. she hammers the auto door lock. clunk! she moves to the center of the car as gruesome faces press against the windows. a nightmare come to life. c'mon, don't be scared. i just wanna play with your baby. that's it. she's backed against the end of the counter! the boy raises the knife to strike. charlie grabs a baking pan off a shelf. swings it out in front of her body like a shield, as the knife is driven down. clang! the knife hits the pan hard and stops. but the boy's hands don't. they slip off the handle and run right down the blade. the knife clatters to the ground. the boy instinctively raises his hands to strike again, but there's no knife. charlie watches in horror as the boy calmly realizes that his thumbs are missing. blood sprays from the stumps. charlie pulls her legs in close then rockets them out at the boy's chest. he's catapulted away from her. michael leaps over the counter, landing in front of charlie, guns ready for action. but the boy is gone.