coast guard interdicts about one of these a month. six weeks locked in a hold with one toilet. rice and a little fish to eat. lousy deal for thirty-five grand a head. didn't. gotta work it off. snakeheads, the smugglers, they sell 'em as cheap labor. like slaves. women and girls're forced into prostitution. rest earn seventy cents an hour in the sweatshops. takes years. then the debt's gone, and the people're used up. from work, from drugs, from living two to a bed in some rat hole 'til they quit caring. they'll claim asylum, say they were persecuted, like everybody else. we'll end up sending 'em back. cost a goddamn fortune. now it reads 'no vacancies'. you'd think word'd get back, and they'd give us a break, but they don't. snakehead biz is booming. they pop one every boatload. shows the rest what'll happen if they run off or don't pay.