you were coming home last night. you okay? don't feed 'em that junk. what happened? you were out fishing. does trouble just go looking for you? i figured it was good for a girl or a boy. cute, huh? i know. i got on this puppy thing and just couldn't stop. hope you like doggies, baby. i sorta figured you didn't want that. you want to get married? whew. me, either. want breakfast? it's not smut, it's ebony clark. trish gave it to me. not now. nothing comes between a pregnant lady and a meal. the foothills of malibu maybe. no everests. just kidding. i've been to lots of mountaintops with you, riggs. i dropped by internal affairs yesterday. y'know, to say hi. they miss me. the vet said not to feed 'em anything but dog food, riggs. it's bad for 'em. overheard one thing at the office. i.a.'s got an anonymous tip. the person said roger's on the take. of course it is. it's someone with a grudge against him. probably some jerk he put away. but with the new boats all the time and putting two kids through private college, it's caused conversation. anyway, i thought you should know. i'll tell you if it goes anywhere. just don't tell him, okay? he'll blow his top, and i'll be in hot water. and he's got enough problems as it is anyway. oh. oops. pregnancy's destroyed my brain. it cannot leave here, riggs. under any circumstances. you know how roger is about his daughters going out with cops. so rianne's married to one. he's the father of her baby. she's too scared to tell roger. to a cop. they met last year. they fell in love. she got pregnant. they got hitched. after the baby's born. i'm not saying it was a good idea. she knows. sgt. lee butters. no one thought he'd be transferred downtown with you guys. you cannot tell him, riggs. this is serious. don't screw around. i think they're nice. something smells good. got your baby beeper? that looks so good. this is just yummy. hello? hi. errand. then lamaze at the murtaughs'. yeah. how'd you know? okay. where are you? there's a lot of background noise. it's decaf, he said i could have one cup a day, and. . how the hell you know everything i'm doing? riggs? car phone's expensive. wave good-bye? dick. they took the hongs. they're gonna kill us. mine were in my purse. trish can come home with me. what's going on, riggs? where're we going? no. yeah, i want it. but it's okay with me if you don't. don't want to put pressure on you. if you're ready some day, great. if not. i love you, riggs. i'll take you any way i get you. if i needed it to be another way, believe me, i'd tell you. baby's kicking. yeah. roger's calling you. where's the rest of the family? a guy from the state department was killed the other day. car was shoved in front of a train. same thing they tried on us. it's all gotta be connected. watch your butt. i'm not going! i'm not having the baby yet! i'm l.a.p.d., girls. i'll arrest you for interfering with a cop. riggs. no. i'm not alright. i lied, riggs. i said i didn't need to get married. well, i do. i need to get married. i need to be a wife before i'm a mother -- -- and i know you don't want to, but. you said okay? he said okay. he said okay. you bet i will, riggs. go get a minister. we're getting married. i don't care. i want to say the words. with a minister. before the baby comes. i'll have it when i'm ready. i'm getting married, or there's no baby! got it? this is not a goddamn aspect of the goddamn transition phase! get a minister, riggs. now. not 'til i'm done saying 'i do.' he'll do. we're serious. that's okay. i will. okay, let's get this done.