i still look out there expecting to see all the old faces. instead, there's a buncha kids whose names i barely remember. we're dinosaurs. headed for extinction. making way for the new, improved police force. guys with guns and psychology degrees. like butters. i got nothing against it. times gotta change. hell, i got shot once by a hot-rodder with a zip- gun. that's how far back i go. yeah. some things don't change. the department lost its insurance carrier. all the damage you do, they can't get a new one with you on the streets. can't fire you, either. so they're promoting you. no open lieutenant spots. chief's using his special privilege to make you captains. just 'til they get new insurance. just stay off the streets and outta trouble, huh? get outta here. came to offer my congratulations. little something from the squad. matter of fact, yeah. gimme those captain badges back. you're sergeants again. city's decided to self-insure. we're spared having you in command any longer. by the way, you owe the chief one. went to bat for you with the i.n.s. they're granting asylum to that chinese family.