oh, shit. what're we gonna do? what if he turns and shoots us with that friggin assault rifle? right. but what if he does? unlike you, my life matters to me. no. okay, you're right, we're cops. i hope he doesn't turn. will him. don't turn, don't turn. oh, shit. had to turn so my side faced him? we're in trouble. my fault? how's it my fault? i said the words. no, no, no. i'll draw the fire, and you run for cover. you're younger, in love -- riggs. i'm not supposed to tell you this, but. lorna's pregnant. you're gonna be a father. she's afraid to tell you. you never discussed having children. what kid? yeah, a baby. and i'm older, and i've been a dad, so i'm going first. why not? rianne can't be pregnant. she's not married. oh, shit. not sure i want to live now. 'scuse me? what the hell for? shoot what? you mean gonna shoot him in the -- you're gonna hit a little bitty valve before he shoots me? trust you? i gotta be crazy. that was before the prospect of ending up dead in my underwear. is he black? not him. the father of the baby. he's black, right? please let him be black. not the blond kid with pits in his face. . bad enough she did that condom commercial. she could've at least used 'em i don't wanna die in my underwear. not now. not now. just hit the damn tank. what for? on two? we always go on three. i'm too young to be a grandfather. think that bird thing really helped? not since i met you. that shark damages my new boat, i'm taking it outta you, leo. yeah, what the hell you want a a shark for? doesn't look tired to me. it's a thought. he said you invited him. easy on the boat, shark! starboard side aft. port's left. starboard's right. riggs. i've kept my nose out of it, but you and lorna. you're having a baby. you're living together. you're not getting married. just trying to understand -- that's below the belt. that was a terrible thing. but lorna's a cop, too. i don't see the problem. a-f-t. aft. back of the cabin, right side. what's lorna say about this? a few days 'til the baby's due, and you haven't talked about marriage at all? do we want leo to shoot the shark? no, leo! you're shooting a gun in my boat! nobody's killing it. i'm not letting a good animal die just so you can have its teeth, leo. you're an ugly situation, period. my boat. thank god. go where? i'll radio the coast guard. hey! careful! i'll drive. you hurt things. i don't want my new boat hurt. coast guard, 'code 7,' coast guard, 'code 7,' over. coast guard, 'code 7.' this is sgt. murtaugh, l.a.p.d. want to report gun shots aboard a freighter headed due north approximately one mile from l.a. harbor. over. outta hong kong. over. coast guard, 'code 7.' copy. 'code 7' out. we'll just hang here safe and outta sight 'til the coast guard arrives. show 'em our badges? coast guard'll be here any minute. they better not shoot up my boat. it's heading for the beach. hope riggs is okay. oh, shit. jump, leo. my boat. oh, shit! leo, this way! over here! what you get for trying to take his teeth. since meeting riggs, i've had my house destroyed, my car wrecked, and my boat sunk. what's left? raggedy-looking folks. sell 'em? what happened to 'bring me your tired, your poor, your wretched masses yearning to be free'? 'least he's no one's slave now. it's a food. burgers? bagels? biscuits? right. butters. always kisses my ass. gets me coffee 'n shit. he wants to be like me, he shouldn't be kissing butt. there's two more over the side. what? he was executed. easy, biscuits. takes the job kinda personally. you okay? too fast for you? left something in the lifeboat. hey. oscar for a boy. loreen for a girl. don't get me started. c'mon, let's go, riggs. trish'll be right down. have fun shopping for baby junk. uh, we're airing out the camping gear. we're outta here. trish has food on the stove. some things do change. c'mon. let's go, riggs. yeah, trish has been trying that lately. who knew she could wok fry? we don't have time -- no. riggs. there's a chinese person in the kitchen. a couple people, actually. sort of a family. a large family. they were hiding in the lifeboat. after what the i.n.s. guy said. had to do something for 'em. took two trips. that's ping. this is hong. he's head of the family. speaks pretty good english. hong, this is my partner, martin riggs. and this is lorna. i know. not the way i see it. way i see see it, i'm freeing slaves. like no one did for my ancestors. i see more of you two now then when you still lived here. laundry, food. what is it this time? again? both of you? what the hell you spending it on? you believe they talk to their father this way? you think i don't know that? i get the tuition bills. get the grades, too. and right now, i'm not getting much cluck for my buck. and when i was in school, i had a job. you know what that is? very funny. yeah, well, i got other things on my mind at the moment, so what i'm gonna do is give you the money now, and then fight with you about it later. consider this a down payment on a future ass-chewing. i want to see some grades this term, too. i've made up my mind about it. riggs. captain wants us right away. didn't say. c'mon. gotta go, riggs. maybe someone saw me with the hongs. maybe the captain knows. wait 'til she's trying to handle that baby all by herself. you know she'll be wanting to move back in, too. be ol' grandpa rog up giving the two a.m. feedings. true. c'mon. what do you think the captain wants us for? yeah. gift from trish. maybe somebody saw me with the hongs. it's been almost a year already. shit's not funny anymore. captain. more like a psycho degree. uh, you wanted us for something, captain? what the hell we supposed to do? captain riggs. captain. after you, captain. uh-uh. no choppers. no way. yeah. thanks. i already ate. wish he'd quit that shit. huh? what, you mean, like that? get outta here. it's only been a couple hours. we're supposed to be hanging out. yeah. and deep. who-heads? yeah, i want to nail the sons of bitches. 'long as we stay outta trouble, i guess it's okay. here. uncle benny? never nailed him on that, either. thanks, ng. yeah. but we're off the streets. it's burgers' case. better give the information to him. big-time crime boss in chinatown. whoa. riggs -- yeah, but -- not with him. no, why? maybe it's a coincidence. pain in the ass. yeah, we saw you. what're you doing, leo? shoulda let the shark eat him. yeah, we'd hate not disturbing you. don't hold your breath. on second thought, hold your breath. some snakehead lost big money. four hundred people at thirty- five grand each. fourteen mil. lost out on making 'em slaves, too. riggs. insurance. just know we're still around, benny. no damage, riggs! remember the insurance!. shit! two hundred for the bike. fifty for the food. look out! out of the way! riggs, don't move! i'll get you down. hang on, riggs! help me with this. you okay? you were with him. trish? uh-huh. uh, no, hey, sit, please. and it's roger, remember? no. it's fine. really. sit. think i'll have a drink. you want something? i'm going with tequila. yeah. you know, mexico? give it a try. what're you watching? yum buoy. riggs jumps off the building with the guy handcuffed to him. guy almost crapped his pants. that riggs. crazy. but. huh? oh, yeah, toast. bread. you know anybody here? you been in contact with him? lifeboat. costs a lotta money to bring all of you here. what's your uncle do? gotta be hard leaving your home. no. but my father did. and his father before him, and his father . all the way back to coming here on the same kinda ship that -- hell, let's not go into all that now. my dad moved us to l.a. became a cop. changed the way things were going. like you. we want the best for our kids. and grandkids. you believe i'll be a grandfather?. where's the time go? my pop's. he got it when he retired from the force. take it. no, no, i want you to have it. belonged to a good man. oughta belong to another one. to dads and their kids. and their kids' kids. what the hell you doing? gomez is good. he made division finals. yeah, lucky not to kill you. we'll have the paramedics here. better ice that shoulder. don't be brave. you were faking it? told you he was good. you're too old for this shit? how about that? finally. you can't beat the clock, riggs. always wins in the end. only thing you can do. accept it. you'll do it a different way. like i do. your dog scratched you like that? a dog hired you? borzoi. and you found it. and they bought it. a completely different dog. that's some p.i. business you got there, leo. committing fraud, too. enough, leo. he'd be the first. who'd hire him anyway? benny'll see him. what if benny shoots him? tell leo he's hired. lorna's a go-getter, she'll probably be early. i'll take friday morning at. . . so. what'll we do the rest of the day, captain riggs? can't believe i let you talk me into this. there's two kinds of choppers. ones that've crashed, and ones that're gonna crash. what do you know? they're working. hey, there's lorna. what're you doing? what do you care if i want to go home and change my shirt? look how you dress. what's that supposed to mean? where do you think it's coming from? trish came into a little money from an aunt who died. what's that car doing? right here, guys. wonder who that was? hey. whose van was that? what the hell're you doing here? they took the hongs. and look who's on the stairs, uncle benny's friend. where the hell'd you take 'em? my home. nick, take care of your mom and rianne. how you know we're chasing the right one? it's also west. yeah, i know. think positive. what the hell'd they take the hongs for, anyway? hong said his uncle already paid. hong left him a message. he's the only one who knew they were at my house. we don't have guns. what now? what're you gonna do? jesus, riggs. riggs -- riggs!. shit! we'll still have the memories. it's not the house that matters, it's the people. without us, it's just two-by-fours. we were talking about a new place anyway. what're you doing here? this is detective -- my wife, trish. my kids, carrie, nick, and rianne. and that's riggs' -- that's lorna and ping. leo. you'll be okay, baby? yeah, well, i think maybe i know what it is. yeah. and it's okay. people have a right to do whatever makes 'em happy. just don't expect me to like it, too. it's impossible for me. christmas? why the hell would we see each other on christmas? i told you. do what you want to do. just leave me out of it. got that? now, i don't want to hear any more about it. what're you grinning at? start thinking about how we're gonna get inside that office and talk to benny. you know 'em. their uncle paid you big to get 'em outta china. this looks painful. people burn down my house and try to kill our families, it's not cops and criminals anymore. it's personal. and i'll do what it takes. benny? great. what do we do now? where's renminbi? forefathers? what's in your hand? no, your other hand. shit. we're stoned. turn it off. riggs. why'd you call him my son-in-law? riggs, why'd you call him my son- in-law? but. he can't be. he's. right. you're my son-in-law? for keeping it from me. and letting me think he was. soon as we find the hongs, you, me, and rianne'll be getting into this. what about the guy who torched my house? in the restaurant, it was like benny was scared of him. thanks, ng. he's driving you and ping to your uncle's. i'm taking trish to her relatives. you guys mind driving me and my wife? i sent lee butters to pick up rianne. yeah, you know. her husband? my son-in-law. the father of my grandchild? everybody okay? better meet me and butters downtown. they found my watch. they killed hong, his uncle, and uncle benny, too. bodies're in there. they're okay. i.n.s. raided a chinese sweatshop. hong's family was being held there. they led 'em back here. hong's uncle was an artist. maybe an engraver. bringing the family over could've been his payment for doing the job. benny talked about buying his forefathers back. ancestors, forefathers. we're outta here. you can take the four pops back to china. we don't give a shit. you okay? was this a good idea? down to the wheel gun. six. four. huh? i'm on the take? ever hear of ebony clark? trish is ebony clark. started a couple years ago. now she's a bestseller. even has her own line of lingerie. remember those shorts with the hearts? they're from the men's collection . i didn't want people to know. it's kinda embarrassing. me, too. kids are outta the house these days. butters. don't move. ng! watch him. c'mon. since i met you, i've done a lotta hairy shit, 'cause somebody had to back you up. but it ain't gonna happen now. i'm gonna be a grandfather, and you and lorna are gonna have a baby. he ain't worth dying for, riggs. guy's just too damn good. yeah. how did he? yeah, okay, let's go ask him. riggs. riggs. where are you, riggs?! tell me where you are, riggs!. will it to me! will it to me, riggs!. tell me where you are, riggs!. will it to me! will it to me! i heard you, riggs. i heard you. i heard you. yeah, hurry up, leo. what're you doing here? what about the insurance? yeah, back up, leo. make sure you get everybody in. back. 122: