riggs and murtaugh. hear you were up to your asses in chinese people last night. we're short, but there's lots of us. what can i do for you? there's no hard evidence. we're pretty sure the big boss is a guy named benny chan. you know him? benny's slippery. he's got a nightclub, couple restaurants he operates out of. days it's a place on north broadway. here's the address. just let me know if you turn up anything. renminbi's the currency in mainland china. means 'the people's money.' what else did benny say? not that i can think of. if benny's scared of him, he's from china, and that's not good . listen up, boys. i don't know what's going on, but chinese gangs kill anyone who gets in their way. that includes cops and their families. you watch your asses. keep me posted. you said ancestors. not forefathers. four fathers. the number four. top guys in one of the old hong kong triads. reds jailed 'em when they took over hong kong. we're hearing they were just moved outta prison. ten to one i know where they took the money. uncle benny was doing a lotta business with national ansco. company's owned by the chinese government. big set-up at the harbor. right now, they're breaking down machines from our old factories and shipping 'em home. only problem's the place is what's called a foreign trade zone. going in there's a federal, red-tape deal. we don't have the authority. how we doing? name's wah sing ku. the four father with him's his real dad.