run him over. maybe he won't. he hasn't yet. try being positive for once, rog. we're cops. you got another way to stop him? then do be a do-bee, don't be a don't-bee. will him not to turn. will him. yeah. c'mon. . don't turn, don't turn. c'mon, rog, will him with me. he's turning. there's no right turn here. it's your fault, rog. you said 'em. but i know you didn't believe 'em. okay. i'll draw his fire. you run for cover. i got less to lose, so you do the running. and you got a wife and kids. are you nuts, rog? i got lots less to lose. i'm going first. get ready to run, rog. that kid with the crayon. he draws stuff and it comes to life. draws the moon so he can walk in the moonlight. purple crayon. don't remember his name. just popped into my head when you. a baby. you can't go first, rog. 'cause there's something i'm not supposed to tell you, too. rianne's pregnant. you're gonna be a grandfather. it was an accident. she and the guy aren't serious. she was gonna tell you this weekend when you were nice and relaxed. the kid needs a grandad, rog. take off your clothes. strip, rog. fast. you run. he turns. seeing you in your undies distracts him -- it'd distract me -- and that's when i shoot. the one place he's vulnerable -- no, not there. the valve of that napalm tank. trust me, rog. a second ago, you didn't care if you lived. just hurry, rog. it's getting a little warm here. can't tell with all that armor. i don't know. c'mon, c'mon. what's -- are those pink -- also, flap your arms and make noises like a bird. it'll distract him more. i need him to turn. ready? on two. change of pace, okay? one, two -- what about me? i'm gonna be someone's dad. nah, i just wanted to see if you'd do it. never a dull moment, huh, rog? then why do you want to keep it? they gotta stop snapping first. go have a conversation with it. eating leo might wear it out. do sharks eat their own kind? why'd we bring leo along, anyway? he told me you did. last guy trip before the baby's here. it's all about to change, rog. that violate your family values, rog? i mean, rianne's not exactly married either, is she? you're right. i'm sorry. i was married once before, rog. she's dead 'cause i'm a cop. the problem. the problem is, maybe i don't wear the wedding ring anymore, rog, but i look down, and it's still there. we haven't talked about it. do we want leo to shoot the shark? this isn't mine or rog's. it's illegal to carry a weapon without a permit. was that leo's gun? the gunfire came from the ship. let's go, rog. after it. someone could be in trouble. fine. and we'll go after it. leo, get our guns and badges. testing a laser sight for the department. got a mole you want removed? what now? they're trying to get away. let's get over there, rog. and those guys'll be gone. shut up and keep your head down. ahoy. you're under arrest. thirty-five grand? where'd they get that kind of money? they gotta work off thirty-five g's making seventy cents an hour? what about these people here? that kid's here -- what's his name -- breadsticks? butters. probably looks up to you. you're a role model. an elder statesman. long story. thanks, burgers. got a homicide over there. you're a homicide detective. yeah. the crew did it. listen, bagels, it's been a long night. we'll catch you tomorrow, okay? loud, too. guy caught me with one. fast. i'll get a patrol car to drop me at my truck. see you tomorrow. sorry about your boat, rog. i know it meant a lot. hi, honey. had some bad chinese. better than roger. his boat sank. gunfights, sharks, explosions. the usual. no, it seems to know pretty much where i am most of the time. you finished the nursery. lotta puppies. lorna. we. we've never talked about. marriage. well. no. got mine. you guys want to go out? c'mon. you bought this smut? can we try this thing they do on page 22 sometime? have i ever made your 'womanhood reach peaks that would rival the highest himalayas'? thanks a lot. how's things with the rat squad? sorry, boys. you heard the boss. what? roger? that's crazy. straight-arrow rog on the take. that'd be the day. like what? what's oops? okay. what? what is it? he'd kill 'em. yeah? so? whoa, whoa, whoa. back up. rianne's married? and no one's telling rog. 'here's the whole package, take it or leave it'? it's a good idea if you want to see rog's head explode. what about trish? who's the lucky soon-to-be-dead man? biscuits?. this just gets better and better. no wonder he's been sucking up to rog. you kidding? he'd shoot me for being the messenger. question is how to have fun with it. no. right. no screwing around. i mean, rog is my best friend. it'd be wrong to mess with him. hey, rog, we were just discussing baby names. you know which ones rianne's thinking about? she couldn't come up with anything butter, i mean, better? who had the sleep-over? trish is cooking something that smells good? right here. so long. you know, that smells a lot like chinese food. i'd like to taste it. c'mon, rog, we're early. so you brought 'em home. rog, could we talk a moment? those people're illegal. you're breaking the law. pretty big roll there, rog. anyway, back to the chinese -- what for? kitchen. on her second breakfast. looking great. better'n her being married to the wrong guy. cop or something. i don't know. running ships aground, shooting at people. that's a nice suit, by the way. that's not off the rack. italian? ar-money. it's possible. you made two trips. what's up? butters has a psychology degree? lieutenant? we're all the same rank now? what captains do. hang out by the coffee, take long lunches, yell stuff like 'riggs, murtaugh, get your asses in here! the chief's shitting bricks. you got any idea how much it costs to replace a fucking bowling alley?!' captain murtaugh. captain. after you, captain. o captain, my captain -- word travels fast. rog is a down-to-earth kinda guy. that kid sure likes you, rog. maybe he really likes you. y'know, likes you likes you? why not? you're a good-looking guy. smart, funny. never know. it's the nineties, rog. you heard murphy. department's changing. but hey, you're probably right. 'scuse me, rog. dr. woods. i. need to talk. this is on the up and up. it's about. marriage. nelson mandela? no, really. i can't go out with you, i'm already in a relationship. i'm bored being a captain, rog. yeah. and i'll go cuckoo sitting around all day. we gotta do something. i'm hanging out. water's cold, too. listen, you want to nail these snakeheads, right? snakeheads. chinese smugglers. slave traders. so?. great. let's go. oops, outta paper. got change for a twenty? how's it going, ng? the taller ones came up to our asses. most of 'em were down around. ship's crew shot one of the illegals. apparently acted on orders. asian crimes know who's smuggling chinese these days? had some dealings with him. back then he was moving smack. where's he hanging out these days? sure love to pay uncle benny a visit, wouldn't you, rog? for old times' sake? yeah. hey, breadsticks. ever hear of benny chan? if it's bad, and it's chinese, benny's running it. asian crimes thinks he's behind the smuggling operation. his restaurant. you know, i'm kinda hungry for chinese. how about you, rog? great. since we're going there anyway, we'll drive you. we gotta eat, rog. so we're carpooling. saving the taxpayers' money. that's a captain thing to do, right? why?. look, the kid could need backup, rog. somebody oughta be there. c'mon, grab your jacket. so, butters. seems like you hate crime in a sort of personal way. any particular reason? did we tell leo to meet us somewhere? 'cause he's following us, five cars back. with leo, nothing's a coincidence. he's. what is he, rog? we had to guard him once, and we've been stuck with him ever since. let's find out. looking for us? private eyesore. he's a detective, leo. 'bye, leo. c'mon -- uncle benny. howya doing? hope this is a bad time. meet detective buckles. sell any heroin, buy any cops, kill anyone lately? how's the front, i mean, restaurant? breadsticks. they shot at rog and me, too. you don't look too happy. who're you? oh. so you don't know what 'scumbag' means. or 'eat shit' . nice ponytail. strong for a small guy. what else can you do? see you next time. i'll take this way out. had your fire system checked lately? big fine if it doesn't operate right. seems to be working. son of a bitch. that guy's from the ship. stay with him. i got it. i got it. c'mon, c'mon. shoulda had 'em. who's your partner? always, gomez. my pleasure. gonna go knock gomez around a little. i can handle him, rog. whoa. hang on. old shoulder injury. i gotta toss in the towel. sorry, man. just getting it going, too. you got lucky today, gomez get this shoulder back in shape, you owe me a rematch. might even train for it. give you real problems. my shoulder's okay. the shoulder's not hurt, rog. i was faking it. gomez was killing me. i didn't have anything left. it wasn't all him. i've been feeling it lately, rog. . i mean, that guy nailed me on the ship, right? then yesterday, trying to catch him. and there's been other stuff. figured i was just out of shape or something. but it's more than that. it's like -- yeah. but i can't be. i'm only. . jesus. what happened, rog? murphy's right. we're dinosaurs. i need your help here, rog. what am i gonna do? i've always done the job one way. all the way. it's all i know. oh yeah? like how? i'm too old for this shit. how about that? what happened to you? catch you drinking outta his bowl? big case. you got a borzoi from the pound and convinced the people it was their little rover. deuce ventura, pet defective. what is it, bundles? and i let him get away. yeah, what're you doing here, leo? you didn't say what you're here for. yeah. hey. leo, wait. rog, how about if we hire leo and put him on uncle benny's tail? that's the idea. make him nuts. all set. this is great. beats sitting around the office. think positive, remember? let's fly over my place, and see if the construction guys're sleeping on the job. follow the green four-wheel drive. having a little fun. hi, honey. where you going? the beijing hilton. what're you eating, donuts? good guess. remember to keep both hands on the wheel when you're driving. we're near a construction site. i'll bet you're drinking coffee, too. you know the doctor said that's not okay. i'm psycho. i mean, psychic. yeah. yeah. we should probably wave good-bye. right side in the air. love you, too. coffee stain's just not something that'd bother me. what's that supposed to mean? because i'm not sporting those expensive suits?. not many cops are. means i don't understand where all the money's coming from. i don't know. why didn't you tell me before? whose cars are these? what have we here? okay. take it easy. anybody got car keys? c'mon, rog. radio. 3-william-56. have air ops switch to tac 5. need your eyes, guys. we're looking for a black four-door mercedes and a black continental. vicinity of ladera at the freeway. over. just give it a shot, huh? go, air 12. we'll take that one. you try and locate the continental. it's headed east. china's east. rog. that guy's with benny chan. gotta be something with the smuggling. want their money. there they are. it's the last two guys. pull up next to that mobile home. have a chat with 'em. get me close to the back bumper. let's go, rog! we'll get your family back. uncle benny. who's got a phone? leo. riggs. where is he?. stay right there, leo. nothing. already figured it out. leo? he's got an m.a. in b.s. that's the signal. chinese dentist time -- tooth- hurty. where are the hongs? this'll settle you down. breathe. feeling mellow now, benny? maybe the gas'll make him talk. uncle benny. hey, uncle benny. where're the hongs? okay. c'mon. where're the hongs, benny? okay, let's do this again. benny, where are the hongs? what's renminbi mean, benny? washington? jefferson? those forefathers? good one, benny. nut cup. that's a funny son-in-law you got, rog. too late for what, benny? huh?. oh. he is, rog. he's the father of rianne's baby. who's the guy from your office, benny? the one who burned down rog's house? leaving. right, rog? anything happens to the hongs, we'll be after you, benny. keep the cuffs. what'd you hit me for? why would anyone tell you? he kept going on about his ancestors. something about buying 'em back. how it'd be too late after tonight. mean anything to you? it's not safe for you guys here. i'll explain in the car. i'll get ping. flying next to you in the chopper. i saw the bridal magazine in the car. you want to get married, don't you? why didn't you tell me before? you're sure. you guys okay? they just tried to kill us, rog. we're fine. they're just about well-done. i'm sick of these fuckers, rog. i want to take 'em out, now. what's going on? what happened? what the hell're they printing chinese money for? can you even exchange it here? we're going after 'em. yeah, well, we got a problem with authority anyway. hi, gang. so this is what uncle benny meant. buying the four fathers outta jail. which general's out to line his pockets, i wonder? speakee english? need toilet paper back home? that's all the renminbi's good for. yeah, do what you want with 'em. just don't leave 'em here. yeah. went through and through. it was an idea. one in the chamber, three in the mag. you? trish never mentioned a rich aunt. the one you said died and left her all the money. i.a.s. heard you're on the take. sounded crazy to me, too. but now i don't know what the hell's going on. why're you lying to me, rog? she writes those cheesy sex novels. yeah. why? trish? your wife trish? writes books? two shots left. i read some ebony clark. trish has a pretty vivid imagination. it is made-up, isn't it, rog? i mean, you guys aren't into all that. stuff's kinda kinky, y'know. are you? you got me. who's the guy in the white pajamas? like four father like son, huh?. i'm gonna go see if i can break up the family. cavalry's coming, anyway. and this guy won't get far. we can always track him down sometime when we have a howitzer. your son-in-law's in there. let's get him and get out. we're too old for this shit. yeah, he took my gun apart, for christ's sake. how the hell'd he do that? no tomorrow for you, asshole. i haven't been here enough. you already know i need to talk to you about lorna. we're having a baby. you and i just never got the chance, did we?. . she wants to get married. and i love her, vicki. i want to make her happy. but i keep seeing your face. i need your help. leo. jesus. you almost got yourself shot. what the hell're you doing here? leo. leo, please. just make it fast. nope. the baby. meet you at the cars. i'll always have this. what's going on? yeah. what's the matter? you alright? okay. yeah. will you marry me? now? we need blood tests. we need a license. okay, okay. calm down, honey. leo, find a minister, a priest, anything. you're a detective. just do it. hurry. we're getting a minister now. let's go in the delivery room. rabbi? no offense, rabbi. we want you to marry us, rabbi. no. no. see, rabbi, she wants to feel married before the baby comes. to hear the words, y'know? it's important to her. i'm martin, she's lorna. i will. out, leo. c'mon, leo. hey, captain. anything for us? today, leo. get in here, captain. back, back. we're all family.