yes, joshua. ? ah, mr. mendez. please, have a seat. hardly. mr. larch is unfortunately missing an eye. for anonymity's sake, he chooses to forego wearing a patch. i don't find you funny. no. you're not wrong. my people are loyal, mr. mendez. they are loyal to me. joshua. hold out your hand. do you smoke, mr. mendez? give me your lighter. you wish to do business with us, yes? mr. joshua is in a great deal of pain. you wish to make a purchase, yes? filthy habit, smoking. the bulk of the heroin will arrive friday night. we will make delivery at that time. please have the money ready, and no tricks. if you try to cross us, i'll have joshua cut out your eyes. merry christmas. define. are the cops dead? that's very disappointing. the police may know everything. the whole operation, yes? joshua, i think it's time to turn up the heat. i want murtaugh taken alive. we have his little girl. he'll talk. you're not that fast, son. drop the rifle. i got riggs. martin riggs. your combat record is the stuff of legend. i see we've heard of each other. i don't think so, son. the shipment, mr. murtaugh? i hope you enjoy saying that as much as mr. larch enjoys punishing you for it. this is going nowhere. mr. larch . ? anytime, roger. anytime. see, the thing of it is . we know where you live. in fact, mr. joshua has been known to exterminate entire families, when he gets in. one of his moods. oh, speaking of that -- precisely why we would never think of untying you. good lord. very wholesome- looking girl. yessirreee. we'll soon know, won't we? oh, son, spare me. it's over, sergeant. no heroes around to save you . mr. larch. she's yours.