i trust you're having a pleasant holiday season? yes, sir . yes, sir, mr. lloyd is dead. i'm afraid, however, that another problem exists. lloyd spoke to the cops, sir. no, sir. i missed. yes. awaiting orders, sir. hello, i'm calling from the k.t.l.a. news department. we heard that sergeant . um, riggs, is it . ? had some trouble tonight, and . my god. i'm sorry. goodbye. bingo. riggs is out of the picture. he may not talk. riggs . ! dud! it's a dud! a very nice try. kendo. get the girl. well, well. look who's back from the dead. please save your strength. i believe you'll need it. you're just in time for a lot of pain. oh, you will be. i daresay you'll be . shocked. shhh. don't make him mad. his name is kendo, and he has forgotten more about dispensing pain than you will ever know. please shut up. my, my, look at all those scars. see, martin, we have a problem. since we have murtaugh, we really don't even need you. but i believe in being thorough. our problem -- and yours, too is that we have some merchandise to deliver. a rather large shipment, we're all very excited. it would be unfortunate, however, if we showed up with the goods and found ourselves surrounded by fifty cops. indeed. so you see, martin, it is essential that we find out how much the police know. i wish i could believe you. unfortunately, i don't. so, if you'll be kind enough to tell us all you know, i will kill you quickly. oh, indeed you should. see, martin, you ------- talk to us . do you vomit? back before prison reform, the staff at sing sing invented a rather unusual form of punishment. it's know as the hummingbird treatment. are you familiar? the 'patient' is chained naked in a bathtub full of water. a bath is then administered using a battery powered sponge. the pain is said to be so excruciating that after twenty minutes most men are either insane or dead. i thought you'd like it. i can of course, kill you now. simply tell me what you know. we'll find out. kendo . ? feel free to scream. my goodness. now that was fun, wasn't it? that's very funny. about the shipment . ? you're sure? fine. big, bad soldier . my ass. i'm going upstairs. deal with him. yeah. fry his nuts. okay, you bastard, let's see who's better. don't mind if i do. concentrate, martin. don't give me an opening. wouldn't want to do that . that's it, martin. your body wants to go into shock. but you won't let it, will you . ? so's your left arm. fuck yourself.