give me a readout, dejesus. dejesus! a readout! stay calm! the internal monitors read normal. he's not at his station. knock it off, sixpack! i know it's been a long month for every- one, but we can't let something like this tear us apart. shit. doc eat already? how do you feel, dejesus? better let the doc take a look at you, after dinner. cut it, sixpack. i've been looking at the duty roster. at the shack hours outstanding. all of you owe time and i thought tonight would be a good time to--- i know all about the contract. the point is you can follow the goddamn contract to the letter and pull your shack duty tomorrow. or you can get it done tonight and call tomorrow a down day. it's up to you. you're only twenty-five tons off quota. barring an unforeseen problem you should reach it easily on the last day. it's just a day off. you don't have to take it, i just thought it might help. cobb, jones, i want you to do something about that damn rattle in the air system. bowman and sixpack. living quarters. williams. get dejesus' suit on the "sick rack" and do a diagnostics. any other suit problems she should know about? what? there probably wasn't anything wrong with his suit. are you planning on working tomorrow? we almost had an accident today. dejesus' suit. i. i think it's important to have the second officer on deck. two hundred and fifty-two tons of magnesium and 15 tons of sodium. thank you, martin. this is beck. is there a problem, williams? how do you know it was williams? all right, sixpack, you and williams are gonna pull water duty tomorrow-- at ease! you both have a half day. anymore shit and its a full one. charge set? i need more light on that, four. that's great. now let's move 35 degrees southwest. what's wrong?! what happened? why can't we pick up his signal? affirmative. widening picture. what's your air reading? twenty minutes!. who had tank duty? willie, we're giving you five minutes. after that we're coming in. i want all this stuff impounded in the supply safe. be my guest. what do you want me to say? that it all sounds mysterious? what mistakes? look, i think it's no big deal but if you want to find out why this ship sank have maritime run a check. this is a mining shack, not a lab, doc. if there's something strange with the vodka it's safe till we get back. something wrong, cobb? what's wrong with it? all right. something wrong? that was a loud one wasn't it? how's astronaut training? no. i'm just being friendly. whatever made you want to do a tour down here? everybody in corporate training serves a tour on the line. sup- posed to hone leadership skills or something. you think i should hang around more with the crew? i guess i figured if i was in their shoes that's what i would've done. what's wrong? i know that. how's the weather for pickup tomorrow? no, he's really sick. he won't be going out today. is this a contract violation, mr. cobb? thanks. let's get it out of here and bring in a new one. let's have her. dead? this morning you said he had some skin disorder. well, how the hell does a skin rash kill you in eight hours?! i'm not a doctor. the mask is because you think it might be. catching? and? why sixpack? yeah. right. what you don't understand is that my crew is in jeopardy. i'm not anxious to find out, either. do it. what're you saying? that we're not even going to be picked up tomorrow? but it's a delay! how long? a day? two days?! sixpack's dead. what?. i can't tell you much about it, except that none of you show any symptoms. no. she killed herself. there's now a problem with the weather for pickup. there's a typhoon in our sector. . we're going to be delayed twelve hours. jones. stay here. shut up, all of you. cobb! stop! no! close the lock! now! i think we just found our problem. they found this? was there such a thing? not exactly a big ocean country. but what about those scales. or that leech-like thing that bit cobb? well, if they were perfecting an aquaman, then why's there a dead one onboard that russian ship? why isn't he out swimming around? what has? shut up, both of you! we've got to find it. jones. come with me. cobb, you and doc check the rooms. i thought they were your friends? you fire that in here and you'll bring the whole place down. no, it's not going through. the intercom's busted. i thought dejesus fixed that? big? that's why there's a dead one on the ship. it ran out of blood. that it acquires intelligence from its victims? our only chance is to lure it to the swamp and flush it like we did the other. don't worry, i don't want to give up any more. i hear something. don't fire until we're both in the swamp. run willie! run! where's cobb and doc? c'mon. lock the door. shit! he sent them all. forty-eight hours! he's right. why don't you get some rest. i'll stand the first watch. martin, you asshole. yeah. i think they're just deciding what to do with us. what are you doing? i can't believe they'd just leave us. we're on backup air. less than an hour. it's ruptured an air duct. they're drawing us out. we don't have much choice. without air, the internal pressure will fall and-- which way? i'll go first. can you fix it? think! can we stop it?! block it up?! shut down the line somewhere?! think! no. hurry. get out! jones! get your feet out of the water! c'mon, the swamp! go on! that's an order! i got hung up! try this! the suits! get in them! like this. just get in yours! go! go, now! that's an order! no! wait till you reach thirty- five before you blow your suit. where's jones? we'll fire one more, that leaves us one last one. i'll be damned. look!. a flare! i can't see them! jonesy. give me your hand! c'mon, jones! jonesy, no! c'mon, motherfucker open up! i don't know yet, she's still in there. better. a lot better.