where's doc?! then what? huh? then what? you folks think going up top's the answer to all your problems. well, it ain't. a break? you folks don't need a break, you need psychiatrists. 'know what you'd be doing if you were up there, right now? eating pussy my ass. what about lines at the bank: what about getting stuck in traffic? bullshit! i'll tell you what you'd be doing! you'd be watching news on tv that's so fucking bad it makes you nauseous. so you go out and get in your car to get some fresh air and after you've been driving for five minutes you realize the air's so damn dirty you don't dare breath it! that's what you've got to look forward to. no way, mister beck! no fucking way! we just did a full shift, you can't call shack duty on top of a full shift. it's a contract violation! what about our quota? ah, it's just old, like me. you don't see the doc opening me up every time i get a new creak in my joints. i say, as long as it's recycling the air let the next shift deal with it. but, 'long as we're here. okay, watch this. shhhh. don't tell no one. job security. who cares? this is what i wear at the beach, goddamnit. you guys are crazy. what the hell you play that stupid game for? you're on your way somewhere all right. the looney bin. what music? there ain't no music. you know it's really crazy to pretend to be drunk, but it's fucking insane to pretend to have a hangover. pretty good. he sent them out videotaping outcrop. weren't they tied? they're supposed to be tied. what the?. you're on your own, sixpack, you fucked up everybody's day off. what assholes, they lock booze in the safe. you read russian? bullshit. beck's coming. uh. excuse me sir, it's the air recirculating system, sir. i'd really have to show it to you. hey what happens it he goes back and finds the bottle missing? bad as he is there's no way we can make our quota with- out his sad self out there. you just can't do it. there goes our quota. excuse me, sir. no sir. i just wanted to know if you needed a hand? he didn't say it was a "routine check-up," he said it was a "routine precaution." ain't the food or the air system, he's just sick. everybody gets sick every now and then. it's all part of being human! christ, it'd be a hell of a thing if i went back to the roof with some kind of herpes thing. my wife wouldn't understand that at all. at least we get time and a half. that's in the contract. i ain't, goddamnit. it's jones!. mr. beck, the contract states that no body can be disposed of without authorization of--- i feel it, too. someone's trying to get out. it bit me! it bit me! it bit me! i'm going to kill it! he knew better than that. that's easy for you to say. you ain't the one that got bit. nothing's changed, goddamnit! what's going on? i ain't doing nothing for that thing without something to defend myself. oh, god, she's out there. what happened? what was it? what?. what? i say we should go get in the escape bubbles and get the hell out of here! and how're we going to do that? itches like hell.