oh, gag, man, how can you eat that stuff?. when it's time to relax. one thing stands clear. beer after beer. jonesy! i'm losing compression. i'm going to blow my suit, man! beck! doc! help me!. ahhhh! oh, mother of jesus, forgive me of my-- i know all about implosion, man. there it is again. two more days. i tell myself 'you can make it two more days--' okay. you giving us a day off? hey, man, you know that in switzerland--and this country's the size of east l.a., okay?--they speak 54 different dialects? fifty-four! i do, man. that's a beautiful place. when i get out of here i'm going there. find a nice little snow covered chalet, warm little woman, crackling fire-- hey, cobb. man, why don't you take off your shirt and pants, man? you should do that wearing what you're going to wear at the beach. no, man, cobb is a chivas drinker, from way back. ain't that right cobbie? what game, cobb?. i'm on my way to nirvana. i'm on the way to the looney bin? hey, man, i'm not the dude sun bathing in his clothes. oooooh. that's it jonesy. sweat it out, man. got to get the poison out of our blood. nine, ten feet high. maybe he got eaten? probably confiscated. no booze on board, same as us. you got 'em! watch and learn, amigo. it's not the phone number. okay, give it to me. that's all you do is exercise. you got to learn to live a little. he won't. can you beat that? the sonof- abitch doesn't trust us! hey, sixpack. rise and shine amigo. he's tanking on us. 'cocksucker's tanking on us. okay, number 23's full. good work out there, mr. becky. it's this fucking air system. you mean like a fish? i was just joking, doc. and it killed bo? typhoon?! c'mon, cobb. you're slacking. hey!. i feel something. it's moving! he's alive! it's sixpack! serves his ass right to get it. motherfucker brings that shit onboard. i hope his fucking ass rots in the sea and is shit upon by the fish. you know that innsbruck has 64 square miles of ski slopes, man? think about that. sixty-four square miles. what? that?. i've done this one before. you hungry? i'm hungry. getting some food. look. water. no, i'll be right there. mustard. need mustard. sixpack. ahhh! help me, jonesy. oh, god, help me! it's getting inside me, i can feel it! help me! help me! kill me. kill me!