burritos. enchiladas. he don't need a readout, man, he needs help! fuck the suits, it's the people monitoring them. it doc had been there like he's supposed to it never would've happened! fuck the suits man. this place is going to kill us first. let's hope it holds. the good doctor hasn't showed yet. uh, oh. i see where this is going. whooo! right on, cobb! let's hear it for our shop steward! count me in. listen to it for christsake. so that's all you do?. hey, bo. when're you going to be off that thing? i want to find out tonight's nba scores and check the weather. jameson? who're you trying to con? hey, hazy! we got a day off tomorrow, kemosabi! let's get shit-faced! oooooh. damn! not so loud. turn down the music. yeah? how'd the kid hold up? how far away is she? it wouldn't make any difference in there. he could be two feet away and on fire and she'd still not see him! the man is unbelievable. i say, leave him in there. russian money. don't look like much. "debbie does dallas". hell, it's in russian. i can't read it. aw, loosen up, bowman. hey, willie, i got one served up for you. beck switched it! puuleeeeze. honey, the company don't give a flying fuck about "whys," they just look at the numbers and the contract says if we miss our quota they only got to pay us half-pay for the entire month. yes sir. thank you, sir. "routine," my ass! ain't nothin' "routine" about no physical check- up 10,000 feet down. especially when we're getting picked up the next day! this whole thing's unnecessary, doc. only "skin problem" i got is white people. how come you're wearing those gloves? hey, sixpack. hey, my man. how you feeling? hey, man, we made quota to- day. no thanks to you, you dog, but we made it. beck helped us. we just dropped bowman off. i hope what you've got ain't catching. sixpack. sleeping. no sign of doc, though. i'll check the control room. you look in the shower room. excuse me, sir. bowman's sick. she's downstairs in the infirmary. yes sir, ain't that where we usually go when we're sick? bullshit. i was just talking to him. i saw him move. i left her here. we're getting out of here just in time. twelve hours! fuck double pay, man! i want out of here! fuck the contract, man! cobb, what're you doing! push hazy! oh, jesus christ! i ain't never gonna sleep again! 'fucker could have gotten us all killed. how'd you do that? hungry? after what we just went through i may never eat again. relax, cobb. if it was going to turn, it would have done its trick by now. don't tell me you're getting soft on us, cobbie? you're the fellow who always said-- man, everybody is jumpy. what are you doing? under there? probably the plumbing. you gonna make me finish that puzzle by myself, or what? hey, hazy. what're you doing now. cooking? hazy, please. i'm going to get you some help, man. just don't touch me. it's hazy. it's got him! stay here and don't let him out. i'm going to get the doc. it's got hazy! one of those chunks of sixpack! like a big leech, with those teeth!. what are you going to do to him? i've got cobbie downstairs watching the door. cobb? hazy? oh, shit. he's gone. you let him get away! that thing happens to be my friend. willie. i ought to smack your face! dejesus. it's got him. were, doss were. jones to doc. doc?. cobb? he did. bigger than dejesus? how? fucking great. you telling me we got a fucking dracula in here with us? like a leech. what dead one on the ship? no fuckin' lie. fuck semantics, doc! you saying its like part dejesus, part sixpack, part bowman?! and hit the surface in the middle of a typhoon?. no, thank you. i'll take my chance down here. don't worry. c'mon baby c'mon. well done. just like momma makes 'em. oh man, that's just great. look at this. the good doctor signed our death warrant. for how long? hey, man, you better get your ass out here right now and get us. you hear me, motherfucker? right now! just answer the question, man! when are you coming?! gone? man, we're still here! welcome to the union, boss. we're all expendable. the air's stopped. there're twenty miles of pipe in the bilge, they could have tapped-in anywhere. cobb. job security. crunch. implosion. she's wondering what's happening. we're losing air faster than i thought. don't fuckin' worry, i ain't. jesus christ. no way. i am thinking, man! you think i want to die! i am thinking! i-- i hit it. but i can't see it! can you see it?! the swamp. there's an over- ride switch in the swamp. ahhh! beck! no! fuck your orders! where the hell've you been? it won't go! the suits! are you crazy! how're we going to get to the surface? your suit, becky! what happened to that typhoon? how many times i got to tell you. i saw a ship. tip top, willie. tip top. jameson? who are you trying to con? answer them and quit kicking me! all right! i've had enough of this shit! you want meat, motherfucker? come on, eat me, sucker, try some dark meat! get out of here, becky!