and just what the fuck would he have done to stop it, huh? yeah, i bet you do. i bet you were imploding in your pants. jonesy! doc!. help me! help me! eating pussy and drinking brew. wherever i can find it. yeah, since he was busy earlier when you needed him. 'makes me feel better already. hear that becky, er, mr. beck? company got to abide by the rules. shit. my pocket. check my pocket, will ya, honey? the latch is screwed up. or the hinge. christ. what a pair. i said, "what a pair" the boy wonder shack boss and his drunken doctor buddy make. why? what did ya think i said? i got a date with an angel. oh, darlin'. come sit on my face. that bitch! bitch! look what you did! you think you're so funny? wait till you taste this! look at my foot, sir! this bitch put a goddamn sea monster in my bunk! huh? i. uh. uh. boo! what's wrong, did you miss me? don't worry, darlin, i'm. i'm rich, honey. rich! it's all mine if i'm on report. otherwise you gotta take me off report before you look at any more. ain't that right, cobbie? shut up. what good's the kid's med records anyway! you guys are so full of shit. who's going to use their birthday. like i said, that bottle's mine! forget space cadet, i'll drink hers. shit! it's water! that little turd. if i ever get the chance i'll fix his ass. well, it ain't! it feels a thousand times worse. i. i dunno. i just feel. wrong. shit, doc. i didn't know i had them. please, doc. i'm cold. i hurt.