the blackboard prominently displayed on the wall of the mess features neatly stenciled letters that say: "days till pickup". the number scrawled on the chalk-smudged board obviously changes daily. right now, it's a "3". bowman sits at a portable computer terminal and watches stock prices scroll across the screen. every so often she freezes a stock and types the command: info. the screen immediately changes to a financial report of the company in question as if prepared by a broker. in a matter of seconds bowman can learn all the major aspects of the company. the remaining crew, doc, and beck assembled in the mess. doc sits quietly, almost in a daze. on beck he flexes his arm as a needle is taken from it. we see a half-pint of blood in a bag, held by doc. he secures it and hands it back to beck. willie prepares a clean bandage as doc examines the cut. he smiles at cobb like a friendly country doctor. the tired look now gone from his eyes. he seems revitalized.