keep your pants on sixpack. i promise you'll be inside before "mr. rogers' neighborhood" comes on. clear for pickup. your pocket? right. you did good. today. with dejesus. that was smart thinking to get him inside. still. you did the right thing. probably a short. nothing wrong with this. a little problem, sir. but i've got a handle on it now. made your million, yet? how's transocean doing? i signed-up for the stock option. you take your money, too seriously, bo. get out of here, sixpack. hey, jonesy, who's the best power forward in the nba. jameson? sorry, darling. just thought a little humor would loosen us all up. you know?. roger. more light, sixpack. you shit. we're fine, shack. his lights malfunctioned for a minute. how's this? you screw around like that again and-- hardly. sixpack?! sixpack. he's gone. i think he's fallen. i'm going down after him. sixpack? sixpack?. answer me. the infirmary. timex. what is it? vodka. no, thanks. i've got my blood tests in three days. after my astronaut training physical, then i'll tie one on. after a month of it you'd think i'd be used to it. why? you going to give me hard time like the others? good. it's going good. i need electrical field experience on my resume. everything helps. why are you here? has it helped? i guess there's not a lot of adventure in the control room. well, i always heard you don't "learn" leadership, you earn it. how did you know they'd get into the vodka? maybe you're more one of us than you think. sir. no. he's really sick. i heard him last night. the company will take that into consideration. must be bad. even sick sixpack never missed a meal. you don't think it was from going on that ship do you? you mean i'm okay? bo? doc says you're next. who were you talking to? how is he? you guys sure weren't so holy when you were shooting that vodka. it could have been you. yeah? what on earth's the matter with you? what's wrong? it needs blood? what can we do? you can't go out there alone. doc?. doc! oh god. cobb's cut. it was in him! it got doc. the escape bubbles? what is it? well, at least we're safe inside here. when are you coming for us? they know, don't they? maybe they already have. seeing how my stock's doing. where?. what is it? how much time does that give us? can't we fix it? you can't go out there, that's what they want. you don't think i'm sitting in here, do you? the shack. don't spend all day down there. okay, williams. let's hear a tune. "off we go. into the wild blue yonder" it's jammed! look out! light. beck, i see light! ejecting. we made it! is he okay? are you sure you saw something? well, why haven't they answered our flares? are you okay, jonesy? who's the best power forward in the nba. jameson? it saw us! i'm not touching you! no. no, no, no. it hit me! where are they?! i'm fine! how about a burger and fries?