(checks her stanford. i'm delivering a paper. do you have to take him to tho se things? they're so violent. jerry. his name is jerry and yes, he's going. audrey heads inside. i've been seeing him seven months, what do you think? well you have to remember when we were married, i wasn't having sex nearly as often as you were. relax, fletcher. it looks like jerry's taking that job offer in boston. fletcher turns sincere. are you alright? i just wanted to say good- night to max, but he must still be out with fletcher, uh. would i . . . ? what did you say? i can't just pick up and move to boston with two days notice. it's just not that simple. what about my job? i've been at ucla three years. there are other factors involved. did you have fun? how were the wrestling matches? some thing's come up. we need to talk. we'll talk tonight. max's birthday? it's the eighteenth. (indicating the . . i can't go to boston. max. it's fletcher. i can't move max three thousand miles away from his father. i know. i know. but if they're three thousand miles apart they'll never see each other. fletcher will never come to boston and how can i send max cross-country to him? i know, it's not logical, it's emotional. i'm sorry. pause. are you sure? jerry picks up the phone, pulls out a piece of paper, dials. hello. what happened? max is going to be so disappointed. do you want me to put him on the phone? miranda starts "reeling in" the phone cord. right. angrily, she hangs up. fletcher stares unhappily at the phone, before miranda throws him back onto the couch. all right, birthday boy, make a wish. max doesn't respond. c'mon, honey. it can be anything-- whatever you want most in the world. when he .doesn't respond, she leans down to him. max, your dad is sorry. he had to work. yes, well, he. promises he'll see you tomorrow. max doesn't believe it. < he turns his full attention to the candles on the cake. in voice over we hear what she does not. (not believing i see. and how is that? but last night you weren't? what were you doing? , it must have been with someone very "special." no, i'm sorry, max. he can't make it. i will. i'll work it out. max is disappointed. what wish? hello. fletcher, something else is about to happen to you. max and i are moving to boston. jerry asked me to marry him. he wants max and i to fly with him this weekend to pick out a house. and i'm going to go. god knows i don't have any reason to stay here. well then you'll have pretty much the same relationship you have with him now. that was the straw and this is the camel's back saying goodbye. heading home. wait? you know, i just had an insight into myself. i ' m crazy. you call me up and . tell me to wait here because you'll be right over and -- here's the crazy part -- i actually wait. i missed a department meeting. i. . . did you come in a cab? where's your car? i can. one thousand, six hundred, and fifty-four dollars and eleven cents. well i can't remember when i've had more fun, now if you'll excuse me, i have a class. she starts out. let' s define "fair." last night a five-year old boy was crushed because his father lied to him about coming to his birthday party. fair? -- was none of my business. when it happened two years ago it was my business, but now i don't have to care anymore. see, that's the magic of div orce . but it does matter to max. everything you do matters to him. and everything you don't do. we're suppose to be on a plane you're really coming? six? i hope so. do you know what your son was doing at nine- fif teen las t ni ght? he was making a wish on his birthday c ake. he was wishing that, for just one day, his dad couldn't tell a lie. she drives away. fletcher starts for his car, pensive, when a new thought strikes him. max, honey. your dad had a very big case today. it probably just-- okay. honey, don^t say that. max is really upset. it's "that look" and then some. the look audrey never wanted to see again. she makes a decision. max, there's something i-want to talk to you about. . . soon. my semester's almost over. you only have a week left of school. you like jerry don't you? so what do you say, should we check it out? jerry wants us to come with him tonight. he has to pick out a place to live and he really wants our help? of course you can. max thinks, then: hello. . max was sitting on the porch again, waiting for his dad. i won't let you do this to him anymore. i won't let you do this to me. (checks under his just a second, max. fletcher?! fletcher, are you crazy? what were you doing? you can come visit anytime. it's only a four hour flight. don't put jerry in the middle. all i want is for max to be happy. audrey looks over to max seated at the bottom of the stairs. he's still upset. you better know your jury. you're hot exactly max's hero today. what?