good morning, fletcher. fifty per cent? with a pre- nup and proof of adultery? what's your case? let go! very funny, fletcher. you want to play hardball, i'm game. judge stevens takes the bench. fine, thank you. i don't think so, your honor. mr. reid made it abundantly clear that the last thing in the world he wanted was to -- your honor, under the terms of the prenuptual agreement, if mrs. cole commits adultery, she is entitled to nothing. we have in our possession an audiotape made by a licensed private investigator of an explicit act of sexual congress with a man who is not her husband. however, my client has no desire to see his ex-wife destitute. against my advice, he's willing to offer her a cash settlement of.two point four million dollars. can the sarcasm, reid. all right, i admit it -- i've seen you make even the lamest case fly. but this time i have you. even clarence darrow couldn't explain this away. she brandishes the audiotape. all right! double the offer! four point eight! and not a penny more. (venomous, to i see. and do you .know what mrs. cole and her male visitor with the court's permission, i would like to play the tape. your witness. your honor, he's badgering the wintness! uh. no questions. (defeated, to