oh, there's a surprise. greta produces a wrapped gift. you did. she holds up another, smaller package. let's see. . (jotting down a . done. your mother called. this is your fifth week. . . (jotting down a court's closed. boss, what's wrong? red? are you all right? home? was the case settled? well, then how can you.go home? okay. (walking on '. dick with them." okay. your accountant, philip, called to remind you about getting together. . (jotting down a so then you're here? i ' m having a little trouble following you. what do i say to your mom? thanks for clearing that up. and that's it, except your ex called and asked when you were cowing over to see your son. do you want your messages? are you okay? no! he loves you. i've seen y ou together. you're his hero. kids. what? well, yeah, but. just today? yes, those are going around. of course not. a ll right. remember a few months ago, i wanted a raise-- -- and the firm wouldn't.give me one. and i asked you if you would give it to me out of your own pocket and you said the company wouldn't permit it because it creates jealousy among the other secretaries? was that true or did you just not want to pony up the dough? i remember when you. bought me t hi s silver frame. from tiffany's. (gives him the a few years ago a friend of mine had a burglar up on her roof. my point is, it's hard to get justice. but this is justice, (pinches his am i too late? have you been se xu al ly molested yet? i could circle the block. (totally wierded mr. reid, what has gotten intc to you?!