my mom's a teacher. as max starts to sit: well. he wears a suit and goes to court and talks to the judge and-- what time is it? dad! that's no lady, that's mom! hey mom, dad's taking me to see wrestling! dad, are we really going to go to wrestling? what are you doing? yeah? we're not going, are we? five. what is it? baseball stuff! will you play catch with me? look what dad got me! mom, let's go. i want to play. he said he was coming. he promised. i wish, for just one day, dad couldn't tell a lie. he takes a breath --and blows out all the candles. a strange wind blows the drapes and the wisp of smoke up, up, up. to the clock on the wall. it's 9:15. is dad picking me up? i guess my wish didn't come true. i wished that, for just one day, dad couldn't tell a lie. max heads toward his teacher. audrey is deeply moved. dad! mr. reid it'would be wonderful for the children to hear something positive about lawyers! dadzilla. you came to play catch? stupid. his big nose and stupid orange hair. really? you mean you have to tell the truth? no matter what? is wrestling real? will sitting close to the tv set make me go blind? if i keep making this face-- (makes a horrible if i go in the water right after lunch, will i drown? why do i have to eat squash? how come you're always too busy to play with me? the sudden shift in tone startles fletcher. he feels awful. baseball? so you can lie? to who? you didn't think she was beautiful. i did it. ^ did it work? only. yesterday, when i wished it, i r ea lly meant it. this time when i unwished it i only did it 'cause you told me to. i can't. because i don't want you to lie. but you're the only one who makes me feel bad. i have to go. dad. great. you know paul and emanuel from across the street? oh boy. we're setting up a whole field in the yard. where we buried petey the hamster is second base. you're still coming right?' he's really coming. she smiles, but she's worried. . i don't want to talk about it. when would we move? could i get a sled for when it snows? okay. thanks. . max takes off the hat his dad gave him and replaces it with the boston hat. mom, it's dad! he's telling the truth, mom. he's not allowed to lie. i made a wish and anything dad says has to be the truth. . right? but fletcher's looking at his watch. so then, you were. mommy. do we have to go to boston? audrey looks at jerry, then back at max. can we play catch tomorrow? fletcher smiles. . . transformer!!! . fletcher and max do the transformer routine again. come on, dad, let's play catch!!