let the judge decide what's true. that's what he gets paid for. you get paid to win. then we'll just have to find someone who'will. thanks. i heard about your victory today. you're making quite an impression on the partnership committee. you're good. you're really good. n o, i mean it. the cole case is worth a truckload of money to this firm, not to mention the press it's going to g en er at e . you win this case and i guarantee you'll make partner. s o . . . was it good for you? without thinking, fletcher responds in the most astonishing way possible-- he tells the truth. flet cher. fletcher, fletcher, fletcher. i must confess-- after last night's incident, i was. . . hurt. so hurt. i was tempted to do whatever little things lie in my power to scuttle your chances of making partner. fletcher is frightened. but then i thought, "no, that 's not fair. fletcher didn't mean to insult me." isn't that right, fletcher? n o ? no?! what are you sayi ng? have you no respect for me?! ah, fletcher, so nice to bump i nto you. are you busy? good. would you follow me, please? highly nervous, fletcher follows miranda down the hall. fletcher, did you know that the partnership committee is being headed up by mr. allan himself? (off his wary pardon me for interrupting your, meeting. mr. allan, you remember fletcher reid. oh, that's right. you used to work together. .tell me, what do you think of mr. allah? fl etc he r gulps. this is it. his career is history. he's trying to hold it back, but-- i said. what do you think of mr. allan? kissing his career goodbye. the baliff stands before the witness.