it's good to see you again, fletcher. '. an involuntary whimper from fletcher. marvelous! marvelous! that's what i love most about this firm-- the collegial atmosphere, the hearty good- fellowship! miranda is incensed. and thanks for those flowers for my anniversary. my wife loved them. don't let me interrupt, fletcher. i just want you to know i'll be observing this a fternoon. miranda insisted i see you in action. fletcher shoots a hateful look at miranda. she smiles. i'm looking forward to it. go get 'em! what the hell is he doing? that son of bitch pulled it off! mr. allan gives fletcher a thumbs-up; simultaneously, miranda gives him the finger. (re: the you just killed your career. i hope you're happy. used to work here. mr. allan has just exited the elevator. (to security still euphoric, reid? he goes back inside. fletcher starts to get up when a car screeches to a halt, inches away.