this is good. this is really smart. only i t ' s . . . like not true. every word of it is a lie. fletcher and miranda exchange glances. i mean. isn't that a problem? h m ? oh yeah. one for sure. seven. seven single acts of indiscretion. he is? seven. well, i did agree to give him j oint custody of the kids. he's always been a good father. (getting worked yes! i ' m tired of getting kicked around. thank you, mr. reid. i ' m so grateful i have an attorney i can trust. s he gives him a hug and momentarily grabs his ass. with a farewell nod to miranda, she leaves. miranda turns, smiles at fletcher, then shuts the door. she moves in on him. you look like you're having a rough morning. (aside, to no! mr. reid, you convinced me yesterday -- i'm the victim here, starved for affection, driven into the arms of another man-- -- seven other men. with the story you came up with, i don't think i can lose. i want to proceed. wate r! get him water! falk hurries into the building as fletcher hacks on. s it down! get some air! (slaps him on the w hat?! what?! sorry. one of the kids threw up in the car. virginia takes her seat, leaving her two young children sitting dejectedly in the gallery with their nanny. (by way of oh boy am i ready. wai t a minute. do you have protection? oh, i've never done it like this before. . yes! yes! yes! the groans reach their incredible climax. there's a still moment. . . as the shy court reporter, the macho bailiffs and the no- nonsense judge all mop their brows, dana shuts off the tape. she turns to fletcher with a satisfied smile. no questions? mr. reid, you remember laurence falk, the man from the tape. shouldn't we go over our testimony? and we give the explanation you came up with. (whispers, to call me, damn it! i do. fletcher approaches,. confident now, cocky. yes. what do you mean? well, yes. but it wasn't me so i started using virginia. is there anything wrong with that? blue. brunette. yes! " lied so i could get married! so .there mister 'i no! i'm contesting custody. payback. for him trying to prevent me from collecting my thirty-seven million. no. you pointed out that my husband took advantage of a poor underage girl. i was the vic tim here. and now i'm going to hit him where it hurts. stop that! we're leaving now!