this is ridiculous! this has got to stop! does it give you some sort of perverse pleasure to expose your. penis in plain view of my sixteen year-old daughter? george, this is the third time. you'll have to explain that to the police. i did warn you. what are you, forty? and you thought they might be under her dress? she's out with a friend. she didn't really say. sam? i didn't recognize you! alyssa said you don't even have plumbing over there. i want you both to stay. come over anytime you need to, sam. if she's not up, you can use my shower. you're here early today. is anyone hungry? you can come in and wait if you'd like. oh my god! oh my god! get dressed! get dressed! here, honey! i put him to work. i couldn't get it to go down. oh. i set it to see if it would work. oh god, we don't want the police! i couldn't sleep last night. why? what do you mean? i will never forgive myself. never, alyssa. i know i took advantage. it's inexcusable. oh, god. i should have my head examined. i won't do it again. i swear. where are you? you're driving me crazy, waiting like this. i want you in me now! i. i. i. george?! i heard a scream! it's midnight. what's the matter, sam? does your son still own a company that builds houses? he's been asleep for hours. he'll make you tear the entire roof off rather than give you any satisfaction. has he eaten anything at all? i'd be more comfortable if he slept in the guestroom. i hired some help. atonement. i think he's still sleeping. are you doing okay?