with an extended plate and overhung rafters, the frame takes its form; rooms are roughed in; windows are framed; two gable dormers distinguish the common-rafter roof in the front and a frame for a balcony juts out over the ocean in back. robin and adam are locking in and hoisting the sheets of plywood on a pulley system up to ryan and george, who are stripped down to shorts - george is thinner than ever. adam and ryan are helping dale run the electrical lines; alyssa and sam drill screws into the second story floorboards. music is playing loud on the radio. colleen is talking to tom and barbara as they stand to the side of the house where a throng of men assemble the house. peter stops and steps out of his car as adam and ryan race for the house. The house is majestic in its setting among the trees and grass, on the jagged just of rock that accepts the constant crash of ocean against it with a solid permanence. This is where, if you were a house, you would want to be built.