been thinking? two hours a week for three-hundred cash. the whole summer. do the math. they consider that a hatchback or a station wagon? oh, that isn't yours anyway, is it? bro, i need you tonight. it'll take you like twenty, thirty minutes. nothing. you got the money? alyssa sent me up to see if you wanted to hang around and watch a movie with her and her mom. i'm gonna give him a ride in my car. you don't have to do a thing. just get in and get out. as quick as you can. close your eyes and think of whatever. don't even. i'm there. she wouldn't even fucking go out with until she was sixteen. i mean, that's not even a rule, just her own thing. she like figures things out on her own and then that's it. if this rings, run. he already knows everything about what he can't do. you can tell him not to even look at you, if you want. it beats working. inhale and get out. nothing. oh, it's working now. what friends did she go with? what's the deal with you and sam? i don't see her. please just open the door when i knock. i was hoping. you could. you know. go for a ride? not really. my parents cut my allowance off. without a car, i'm totally screwed. i could use the money. josh. no. i'm okay. i'm okay. just let mine ring! is it mine?! oh, shit! i'm okay. i'm fine. maybe i'll go home. no. it's my fault. if i could just stand up.