thought i'd run over the list. from tuesday to yesterday, not including monday or today. okay. mrs. dokos is repeatedly running over her lawn. the corliss' have attributed the increase in rat population in their environs to the state of your. structure. and of course the beck's, with the. you've been good this week. mr. dokos calls animal control for guster and i was out here on the other. do you mind? we've known each other since grade school. hunted rabbit in the hills. we just weren't very much alike, i guess. i don't know. i liked your dad more than i liked you. george just never really. aimed that high. even with not hitting a rabbit. i knew you were doing that, by the way. that's why i stopped doing it with you. you were no fun. it was always like you were frightened. quiet and boring. he builds models for architects. his dad, on the other hand, was the real deal. designed and built the coolest houses i've ever seen. left you this place. do you know what i'd give to have this! forget how i got it! i can't afford dirt in this town. i live in riverside, goddammitt and you get to piss in the ocean. your kid was down around diver's cover again, smoking pot. i didn't write him up. told him i wouldn't tell you. at least your father tried, george. i know there's an explanation. mr. dokos called to complain that you and a boy are squatting illegally in the garage of your house. now that should be illegal. i'm surprised he hasn't left. it's my day off. i thought i'd help with the plumbing. god, you look like crap, george. i worked every summer with my dad. check out what i've done. are you still renting that illegal non conforming studio under your house for a thousand a month? oh, that's embarrassing. that was too easy. at least look around. i really did do it right. why do you let your dog crap on his lawn, day after day? he said he heard hammering. mr. dokos says that your father missed his height envelope by six inches. what are you talking about? what the fuck? then you tell me, what just happened?