his father is a man. are you wearing eye shadow? take it off. do it now! are your hands clean? the goddamn traffic. were we going out to dinner? is lois still here? i'm starved. did someone call to tell you i'd be late? i hope your ex-husband is equipped for the havoc of sam, because it seems absolutely blissful here tonight. should i? if i let everything that should worry me, worry me, i'd be dead from worry. i'd be you. i'll do it if that's what you want. why is everyone up so early? you know what i've decided? we should take a vacation. do you remember anything i've said that wasn't negative? just the two of us. sooner than the fall. lois will stay with them. or we can pawn them off on your parents. what? good. that was the plan. we couldn't stand him and george needed help. you can't go because of sam? you can't go with me because of sam? so am i, robin. i'm working at something, too. i'm even talking. do you want to be around for it? i was talking about our marriage. no, i'm fine. all i am is what i have. that sounds pathetic, doesn't it? i always felt i could never marry you without first showing you what a fabulous life you cloud live despite me. you live a fabulous life, robin. i never asked for more. please don't leave me. where are the kids? i'll be in the bedroom. hey. you got a dog? i've missed you guys. i thought maybe. i know it's late. but if you're hungry. i've never heard you so excited about anything. i'd like that. goodnight. no. okay. that was my plan. to be hardly recognizable to you as me. i'll see you tomorrow. you don't look like you. i thought i might be able to help, but it looks like you have all you can handle.