run downstairs and give your dad a hug. he'll be gone for his birthday. i hope you're showered and ready for school! sam?! i don't have a clue anymore. i wish you'd talk to him. he needs a man. a man he respects. what did you say? then why do you stay you? ring the bell before you try the door. did sam call to tell you he wouldn't be over this weekend? lock the door behind you. where he always is. what kind of a mother can't stand her son? what are you doing? he never answers. because he put the lock on! do you think i told him he could have a nose ring?! why do you ask me everything you should ask him!? i don't know anything, anymore! you climb up there and tell him what he can and can't do. take him for the summer, okay? whip him into shape. cut his hair. make him smile. let him hate you for a while! you're too late for heroics, george. i don't know what to do, anymore. take him. you take him. you're such a good father. i didn't go in your room. i called everyone, everywhere! you just vanished! you could be dead! you're inconsiderate and absolutely devoid of emotion! what? you didn't think someone from your office would call and tell me you wrecked the entire building and threatened people with a baseball bat?! where have you been for a week?! what did you do with your dog? but you can't call me while you think? why would they tow your truck? why call me? you've been saying that for twenty years. while we were dating, you said it. money? how many years did i live with your beams and boards? first in the garage, then in the living room. we're going to do it, robin. next year. next year. salvaged floorboards from a house in pasadena. doors from a church in new hampshire. where will you live? look, i wasn't serious about you taking sam, so you don't have to get into any actual construction to get out of it. friday. god, i hate the thought of him home all day. he doesn't want to spend the weekends with you anymore. you and sam are going to live in a garage without plumbing for the summer? thank you for at least sounding sincere. one of you would end up dead. forget it, really. i'll survive. no, you don't. trust me. okay. i'm married. what was i supposed to do? when you didn't show up saturday, i tried to call. your phone isn't working. i drove over and you were gone. last time you were gone for a week! no. i was going to let you do that. i did say he could go. george -- thought you guys might be hungry. well, for later then. it makes me sad. i used to live here. i was here six years. and i only hated two. the first and the last. sam's favorite. sure you don't want any? you're too thin, george. from what you used to be, anyway. the first because i wasn't sure you really loved me. the last because i wasn't sure i really loved you. what have you been before today? do you remember? we have it on video! was that when? my parents were down for his sixth birthday! i remember that. i'm fine. nothing. i'll drop by your lunch tomorrow. we've eaten. i'll make you something. do you think it's odd your kids don't hug you? it would worry me. what would you be if you asked adam and ryan to run in now and hug you? lunch. i dreamed about your house last night. it was perfect, george. amazing. it was so real. that wasn't a dream. that was sam. my tongue around the edge of his ear is what cured him. the antibiotics weren't working. it's what i believe, george. i've been wrong a lot in my life. i have three hours before i pick up adam and ryan. where will i be most useful? you're not well. i'm late. ryan has a game later. he asked if you'd come and watch. it's morning, sleepyheads! i just thought it would be nice. i thought i might stop by. not all day. i'll be home after lunch. you can go back to bed. or lois might let you go swimming. oh, honey. there's not much to do there. i mean, it's all work. ryan, would you rather swim or work? i thought you'd be up with the sun. do you need anything? i'll go to the pharmacy. i have some demerol at home. where's sam? i kind of said that maybe they could do something. help. i'm sorry. they really wanted to come. i really wanted to come and they wanted to be with me. i don't think they'll be too much trouble. or wound. let them keep their eyes and fingers. do you need help? i woke up this morning at three and couldn't fall back asleep. everyday i think i see more of sam than i've seen in years. good morning. you're so nice to let sam use your shower. i brought a few of my own. this was my very first slow dance. since seventh grade. i smiled at him. who's up for a dance? let's see if you've gotten any better. when i found out i was pregnant with you. adam, that's not true! would you stop being ridiculous? your father wants sam home as much as i do. it wasn't meant to be. to shave your chest? the biggest waste of time since television. i'd love to drive through new england in the fall. after the kids are back in school. i'm helping george build his house. i've been helping for the last few days. weeks. sam's working. i told you sam was working. i mean, he really is. i can't go right now. we haven't been away together for three years. what difference does a few months make? sam is working at something for the first time in his life. once in a while he even talks to me. i want to be around for that. i don't know. i know. why is that? he's at work while i'm here. well, he doesn't need to worry. he's not the type to worry. let's eat! nothing r, okay? home after. will you come in and say "hi"? i should go. no. why? i like to be with sam. i know they're not much help, but they love coming here, george. what is it with this? they wouldn't spend less time with peter if they lived here! he has no time! do you know alyssa thinks something is up with us? she's giving me crap about being away from peter and now you're trying to do the same thing! what no one seems to realize is that peter isn't there! he's not there! and when he is, he isn't! so, if you don't want me here, or you don't want my kids here, just tell me, george. i'll stop coming. but it won't be because of peter. it'll be because you asked me to stop. say what you need to say, because i'm not leaving until i hear it. i thought we were helping. nothing is going on with us, is it? when i picked you up from the train station. what you said. that thing about i was the most, you know, beautiful person you had ever known. what was that? you've never said that before. it sounded like a pick-up line. i'm married. if i weren't married? i need to know. i should go. what are you doing home? you never really trusted me. despite you. that's the problem. sam took them to a movie. i guess it depends on what you give up on. can you stay for dinner? go tell your father we're eating. in the bedroom. he's here. check the bathroom. is your back still killing you? i kept thinking about it, what you said. i hope you were trying to keep me away fro the sake of me. peter left me yesterday. no goodbye. no fuck you. no 'are you in love with george?' 'i'll be in the bedroom.' i couldn't walk in there. so he left. back. neck. back. i don't know what i'm doing. i could die. are you going to kiss me? don't move! i better get the kids home. is sam okay? will he talk to me? just so you know, we'll be here working tomorrow and every day after until this house is finished. just so you know. what's going on? why? where's george? george!? wake up. you're still warm. go brush your teeth and get right into bed. it's late. i hardly recognize you with a beard. i feel in love with george again. i found the last time you were happy. it's so beautiful. you're sure about this? you could keep it and rent it out? i read the letter. you read the will. he wants you to keep it. to live in it some day.