thanks for talking about me behind my back. useful in court. no. if i walk out the door, who's gonna be here tonight for the follow through? have a nice flight. no. leave me alone! what are you doing in my room? i locked the door! get out! i locked the door! get out! stupid bitch! liar! i locked the door! i don't sneak around your room! liar! this is my room! you have no right in here! this is mine! why can't you all just die and leave me alone! i don't know. i'll ask. i never said anything. i haven't done anything. you don't know what the deal is. there is no fucking deal. i heard you already! to check up on me? why would you be there? you live in cory's parents' cabin? no fucking way!!! you liar! you stupid liar! i hate you! no i'm not! who are you, anyway? i don't even know you. i'm not going! mom, tell him i'm not going. you already promised me! i'm not going! mom. please. go fuck yourself! if you hit me, i'll call the police. i'll hate you forever. well, get over here, then, stupid. are you afraid of heights, guster? the fall probably wouldn't kill me, anyway. pushing. oh, shit! hello? are you totally insane?! guster! you're so busted, dude. where's my dinner, huh? i'm hungry! where's my dinner? who ate my dinner? huh? who's in trouble now? hey. they're trying to make me spend the summer here. i'm leaving in the morning. i'm supposed to be in tahoe. i don't know. i don't know. he jumped into the ocean. i'm not taking a dump with you in here. my brothers say it's the worst smell they've ever smelled. i think you have to have a door between where you cook and where you crap. like even in the bush, tribal people and like that have a place for both. it's like a law. probably in the bible. i have to take a dump. what are you doing?! don't touch me! you can't touch me! he's a freak. i can't even take a shower here. i might not stay, anyway. no. that's okay. yeah. really? why? no thanks. no. i hate turkey. why? you snore at night. that bugs me. can i take you out? i have to go. i'm gonna take a walk. i need some money. you're so predictable. you haven't been happy in ten years? no one would blame me if i left! i'm not doing it! why don't you just beg some money off my dad and move into something decent with a real kitchen and a real bathroom? and i don't take a shower in the middle of the yard. you can't promise me anything! you don't have anything to promise! you live in a garage! you don't have cable! you're not hooked up to the internet because you don't even own a computer! you don't have a job! if you had a stupid phone or i could use your truck, mom would give me some money. is alyssa home? oh. do you know when she'll be home? oh. okay. uh huh. i'm sorry. not a shower. i locked the door. does alyssa know? you got any weed? thanks for the shower. thanks, i'd like that. thank you. i'm leaving. i don't know. i don't know. oh, okay. what's your deal with alyssa? i wasn't sure. i'm thinking it's too weird now. where is it? did you got through my pants? where'd you put it?! i know you took it. i want it now! no! oh my god! if i had a gun, i'd kill you. what's in my pants is none of your fucking business! i've been using since i was twelve! you're all so unbelievably stupid. you didn't give a shit about anything i did until now! you're too fucking late. you can't make me do a thing. no. i'll call the cops if you touch me again! oh, so you're in the big shit now! child abuse. people go to prison for what you just did to me. i was holding for someone. that wasn't even mine. i'll have to pay him back. i'm not even listening. i have to pay back what you flushed down the toilet. i want ten dollars an hour. then i'm done. don't. i don't want it. we haven't build shit. you're just tearing down your father. thank you. we're getting out of the ground today. i can use your mom's. not really. no. kinda. he got busted? really? he can peddle over anytime he wants to for it. i'm sorry. i'm just here to shower. is this like a past time with people? go away! hand me a towel. i'm getting out. i don't want you to! why are you so stupid? i don't even. what do you mean? i don't even know what that means. hand me a towel. hand me a towel. hey. what's that for? oh. hi, mom. hey, ryan. so, you wanna build a house? i took some of your vicodin. i like how it feels not to feel. how do you become something you're not? what i'm not. nothing. see, that's the thing. i am what i say i am. what do you know about me? he's got nothing to do with me. he was a prick when i was six, and he's a prick today. i'm telling you now. i'd be in tahoe having fun if you had given up. getting high, i guess. i haven't used anything for two days. i'm trying. don't be. and hide whatever that new drug is you have. i like it. are you talking? sun glasses? why wouldn't she leave? i would have killed him. do you ever wish you had done it? after everything he did to you and your mom? that's so weird. so put your plans of my room in the trash. what's the point of this? it's freakish. i don't get it. i'm not really supposed to touch you, but i can look. what are you talking about? i'm not gay. i mean, hello! you're driving me crazy! do you know what it's like trying to jack-off in an armoire? you're off, you know? you're way, way off. it would help me if i could kiss you. what you think, you know, doesn't have much to do with reality. i mean, i hope i'm not the first to say that about you. okay. i guess. definitely. there were no pg's. so i just gave them money to play games. depends on what i'd give up on. it looks like a trap. he hasn't called? dad, dale needs to know. the door was open. i wouldn't let adam or ryan see you doing it. dale wants to know if we should run an outside outlet for christmas lights with a switch inside? on the handlebars or your shoulders? hey, i can get you three hundred cash for two hours. it's just a joke. a stupid joke. you look like shit, lately. i don't think mom cares that much that my. that peter left. what's wrong with your back? i mean, do you need to have surgery on it or what? because those pills you're taking are for a lot of pain. and you're going through them quick. no, but i count them. in a sock isn't new, you know? i don't know what that means. what kind of problem? i still don't know what that means. what? are you dying? i don't know what that means. what kind of problem? i still don't know what that means. what? are you dying? and you told mom today? fuck you! you knew you were dying from the start! you lied to me! this was all for your sake, wasn't it? having me here? trying to get me to like you. well, congratulations! you fucking pulled it off! is alyssa here? nothing. my dad's dying. i really need to talk to alyssa. you hate your father. you'd hate him for the trick. i don't wanna go. i don't wanna go. he's my dad. i brought you something. here. can you see? it's almost done. floating to catalina. who? wait a minute. do you drive a black mercedes? are you sure we need lawyers? because all we're really talking about is six inches, right? i'm sixteen years old. i'm underage. how could i possibly threaten you? would you like to help us finish the house, mr. dokos? everything happens for a reason. that's what my dad said. the payoff. do you guys feel like painting? red. either do you. do you like red? yeah. this is what he wants. then maybe this isn't what he wants, but this what he was hoping for. maybe it's what i want. my father built you a house.