negro leagues, actually. pittsburgh crawfords. ever hear of us? we played down in jackson yesterday. heard a rumor you've got a boy up here who can hit the ball a ton. can't get right? that's the kid's name? can i talk to him? crawford's are always looking for new talent. there are ways around that. right sergeant? nice looking squad. see you after the game. mark my words, within five years there's gonna be a colored man playing in the majors. maybe not yet. but it will. and i'll be out of a job. damn, that's some tasty hooch. i think that boy could be the next josh gibson. i'm gonna talk to the front office about him, you can bet on that. damn, it's getting late. we got a game in memphis tomorrow. i'll put in a good word for you. you've done a good job with that boy. thanks for your hospitality. kid's getting out. i got him a pardon. i did, claude. i mentioned you. i mentioned you both. but the fact is, pardons don't come cheap. the kid can hit. what can you do? look, i am truly sorry about this. i'd like to help you. at least the kid's getting out. isn't this what you wanted? don't worry, we'll take good care of him.