for the kind of money they charge here, you'd think they could hire somebody to actually wash the dishes. know what i'm going to buy with my first pay check? season tickets to the yankees. right there on the first base line. what's wrong, baby? engagement ring! sure it is. i just don't see any reason to rush into things. damn, look at this shirt. i'll be right back. now wait a second, guys. i've got a bill to pay out there. come on, fellas, that's two weeks pay. i'm here with my girl. you gotta leave me something. my legs? those are good, i'll keep the legs. i don't think so. claude banks. you went to monroe? well, i went to jefferson, so you must have a different claude banks in mind. come on, honey, let's get out of here. the bill. of course, the bill. we couldn't leave without paying the bill. especially such an incredibly large bill. good old monroe. i don't see where that's any of your business. where they taking us, anyway? good, i'm looking forward to meeting this spanky. give me a chance to straighten out this whole mess. what are they gonna do to us? a thumb? what do you mean, like cut it off? for ten bucks? that include the tip? i never saw this man before tonight. he's a lowlife degenerate who lurks in bathrooms. i'm a professional man, an upstanding citizen. i go to church on sunday. look, mr. johnson, you seem like a reasonable man. i got a good job starts monday. i'll pay you back with my first pay check. with interest. i don't want to tell you how to conduct your business, but if you cut off my finger you won't get jack. working an adding machine, i gotta be whole. i need my thumbs and all my fingers for praying and doing good. drop him? what does drop him mean? no, not down there! that water's filthy! help me out here, man! i was supposed to wear this suit on monday! look, man, i don't want friendly conversation. i don't want to be your friend. i've seen your friends and i don't like them. i just want to do this thing and get back to new york in time to start my job. well, if you must know, bank teller at first federal of manhattan. i'm responsible for keeping track of hundreds, occasionally thousands of dollars. damn straight, it is. i got my own set of keys because i'm supposed to open up. so if i ain't there 8 a.m. monday morning, there's gonna be hell to pay. what? no, tell me what's so funny. well, maybe i should dig around in other people's clothes for money. it's obviously been highly successful for you. i didn't start out to be a bank teller. i was gonna be a ballplayer. even had an offer to play short for the newark eagles. the negro league don't pay so good. and you're always on the road. that don't wash with daisy. at some point a man's got to get serious about his future. i'm sure you have no idea what i'm talking about. bank teller's just a start. i got plans. real plans. not opening some zoom-boom room. this time next year i'll be a loan officer. that's right, a loan officer. uh-huh. you need collateral. that thing? who'd you steal it from? yeah? who'd he steal it from? looks like a fake to me. loan denied! there is no boom-boom room. oooh. maybe we oughta find another place. i must have left my appetite outside, which is where i think we ought to be right now. you mean this sign? the one that says "no coloreds allowed." that's a good question. ray, how come we missed the sign? any fool could see those are whites- only, not-for-blacks, come-on-let's- get-the-fuck-outta-here pies. thank you very much. don't uncle claude me. you get a load of those crackers? couldn't be a mouthful of teeth among the bunch of 'em. why you want to pick a fight with people like that for? what'd you say? hey, man, don't ever call me that. alright. you want some pie? okay then, i'm gonna walk over to that counter and get us some fucking pie. excuse me, ma'am, i bet a brick will turn that one right there into a colored pie. okay, ray, i think we can go now. much obliged. nice meeting you? you've been here before, haven't you? oh, i don't know, maybe because our lives depend on it, i just sort of thought you knew what you were doing! let me get this straight. we drove all the way down to klan country 'cause you heard a couple of guys talking? reward? that's gas money. i'm just gonna keep an eye on you, make sure you don't do nothing stupid. that's because i've never been here before. i know it begins with a "c". i really shouldn't. i gotta keep an eye on my friend. claude. that's my name. claude. that's never happened before. ten dollars. but i need it to get home. hey, ray. i've been looking for you. guess we better get going, huh? well, not exactly. see, i met this girl. real nice girl. god-fearing girl. her name's sylvia. she's in a tight spot. her mama needs this operation, and they ain't got the money for it. their church took up a collection but they were still short. what can i say? when the spirit moves me. what are you talking about? you lost all our money in a card game? fuck that cheap-ass watch -- i mean, how the hell are we gonna get home without any money? you sure the truck's this way? i swear it was back that way. ray. yo, ray! i think he's hurt pretty bad. oh, man, i've never seen a dead body before! what do you think you're doing?! the man's been dead for two seconds! don't you have any respect? what ain't there? yeah, nobody puts 'em away like old what's-his-name. come on, ray, better get winston back to the truck. would you look at that, ray. winston up and died on us. spanky's gonna be pissed? poor spanky. fuck spanky! what the hell kind of a name is spanky, anyway? you're responsible for this situation. i blame you for everything. if it wasn't for you, i'd be home having a hot meal right now. that's right. does the name spanky johnson mean anything to you? look, man, how many times we gotta tell you people, we didn't kill that guy! the man's gotta point. we're innocent, after all. i just gotta get a good night's sleep on this filthy mattress. keep our heads on straight, stay cool, what's the worst thing that could happen to us? life?! what's life mean? there's no way i can do life. i got a job starts monday morning! i don't believe this before abe jive. i didn't go to night school to sing in no mississippi boys choir! shut up. it's too damn hot. what do you know, anyway? it's too hot, boss. i'm tired. i got it. boss. you can't read? none of these guys can read? i'm all right. you kidding? i've been in and out of prison my entire life. mostly in. i'm hard-core. 'preciate it. claude. i try to moisturize regularly. why do you think they call him jangle leg? so? excuse me, i don't like it when the food touches each other, so if you could just -- -- keep everything separate. it's fine now. this fork is filthy. what a second, you've been in here since you were thirteen? pack of lies. don't listen to him. we didn't kill nobody. we were railroaded. and we gonna prove that. no, man. i want you to have it. how many times i got to tell you? he ain't my pal. besides, he looks like he knows what he's doing. alright, alright. hey, ray, i think you made your point, whatever that is. maybe now's a good time to throw in the towel. you know what i'm saying? request permission to go to the tonk, boss. you think you could make an exception just this once, boss? she came all the way down from new york. woman came all the way from new york, goddamnit! we'll come out when we're good and ready! did you go see my cousin maynard like i asked you in my letter? yeah, that side of the family has all the looks and none of the brains. i hope he don't mess things up. a job, huh? well, that's nice, real nice. you won't have to work long. i'll be back soon enough. after i start work at first federal bank of manhattan, i'll be keeping you in style. everything will get back to normal again. that's a promise. ray gibson? no, no. he's the reason i'm in here, daisy. for all i know, he's got a record a mile long. i got a better shot of getting out of here on my own. you tell maynard to think about me, concentrate on me. understand? so? yeah, i know what your saying. and i'm saying if you made it that far, they'd be watching every train that pulls out of that station. what do you know about boats? i bet you can't even swim. why are you always talking about we? there is no we. there is a me, there is a you. but there is no we between us. no, i don't like it here. look around. there's nothing but ass. male ass! balls and ass! believe you me, i'm getting out of here. forget it. getting a map from a chubby chef named cookie? dragging our asses through the swamps in search of some worm-eaten boat? that ain't a plan, that's a vacation for two in the hole. when you've got a map to new york city, you get back to me. what's so great about sunday? monday's right after it. hey, do we have to listen to this bullshit? i'm trying to get some sleep around here. here! gimme that. that doesn't concern you. what's up, ray? sure is hot today. think it'll rain later? what do i want? what makes you think i want something? your daddy must have been a helluva guy, a deep man, a wise man. sure wish i could have met him -- you still got that map? well, if you're still thinking about booking it, i want in. i think we can make it. look, my cousin maynard is a lawyer. he filed an appeal on my behalf -- the appeal was denied. then daisy went and fell for maynard. they're engaged to be married, can you believe that? come on, man. don't shut me out. i'm telling you, you and me, that map, we can go places. no. does that mean i'm in? what'd you say? don't call me that. you know i hate it when you call me that. damn, that felt good. i should have done that the first time i met you. what the fuck are you laughing about? you did it, man! you got us out! next stop, new york city! i know these trees all look the same, but i'm getting an awful familiar vibration from this one right here. you sure you know where we're going? let me take a look at that map. you call this a map? what was cookie smoking when he drew this? you drew this?! that gripes my soul, man. we're out here in the middle of nowhere. there is shit nibbling at my balls! don't tell me you don't know where we're going! hey, wait up! come on, ray, time to go! don't mention it. i'm serious, man. don't mention it. ever. can't take it no more, ray! die, motherfucker! gotta get the fuck outta here! he'd be doing me a favor. i'm getting outta here one way or the other! goddamn rats and shit! fuck! how the fuck are we gonna do that, ray?! say what? the hell you talking about? what train? hundred and sixty first street? that's yankee stadium. red sox. who's on the mound? allie reynolds. he's my boy. i know people. you get ketchup? i can't eat it with mustard. what am i gonna eat? hey, man, is babe ruth in the lineup today? hey, ray. i try to teach 'em the finer points of the game, share my wisdom, but i don't know why i bother. they don't listen, they sure don't learn. i'm sick of watching camp 12 win the championship. every year they get to roast the victory pig and we get dick. this year i want that pig. alright, radio, there you go. who wants to hit next? him? all right, grab the bat. let's see what you can do. jangle leg's gonna throw the ball nice and easy. you just go ahead and take a swing. okay. let's try that again. this time give it a little juice. don't matter who camp 12 puts on the mound. all i know is when this season's over camp 8's gonna have pork chops. she's got it all. and it's firm and round and fully packed. we get the games on the radio sometimes. you probably mean can't get right. that's him over there. you can try, but you won't get too far. why you interested? maybe you didn't notice, but this is a prison. you're my boy, just keep what little mind you have focused on the game. if you hit that ball the way i know you can, you might just be our ticket off this farm. it's amazing what ray here can do with a couple of pounds of potato skins and some molasses. what about us? don't forget to mention us. god may have given it, but claude banks spotted it and nurtured it. crawfords. he's lying, boss. i'm the father of that baby. what i want to know is where? when? how? hey, can't get right, where you going? why you dressed like that? let me see that. where'd you get this? yo, blocker, what's going on here? yeah, but what about me and ray? i didn't see our names on that pardon. you said you were gonna put in a good word for us. i'm not gonna let it go. the man needs to explain himself. makin' promises. but you can't. yeah. of course it is. you show them crawfords how to play ball. i'm not in the mood right now, ray. they're called pilots! i'm serious, ray. i'm not in the mood for one of your stupid, fucked-up plans right now. my plan is on his way to pittsburgh right now. that congenital idiot just got himself a pardon signed by the governor thanks to us, but we can't seem to do nothing for ourselves. don't you feel a little disgusted right now? i ain't getting in no airplane with you. i'm finally wrapping my mind around the concept. they threw us in this shithole for life. don't you get it, ray? we're gonna die here! might as well head up to the cemetery, pick a plot and start digging. maybe you're fooling yourself, ray. maybe you're just a chip off the old block. here's a news flash, ray. we never were friends. we've just been stuck together for 12 years. it's been nothing but bad luck since the moment i ran into you. every time i look at you i get sick to my stomach thinking about what my life could have been if i'd never bumped into ray gibson. the only thing i regret is the day i met you. that's the way it is. you never said nothing of value anyway. yeah. she's alright, isn't she? why not? married? but i'm not on the outside. i'm in here. take care of me? i'm too old for you. besides, i'm not much in the mood. nice girl like you don't belong in a place like this. but if you talk to sylvia, tell her old claude said congratulations. whites-only pies. as a pair of fur-lined bedroom slippers, boss. you're a sucker. i'd have taken that deal. i'd have knocked you off those bottles, put a bullet in your ass and be half way to new york right now. i hope you don't think i owe you anything. because i don't owe you a damn thing. i was sorry to hear about your mama passing. i know, but since we're talking, i thought i'd mention it. what?! bullets weren't the problem. that pie was too hot. burned my tongue. oh, yard boy, these pansies could use some attention over here. perhaps some fertilizer would restore their exuberance. yes, boss. ocean views, palm trees, two heated swimming pools and a golf course -- sounds a damn sight better than that infirmary across the way where i'm gonna end up. that's alright, boss. takes a lot more than a colorful brochure to hurt my feelings. over forty years now. me and ray gibson out there. it's a hell of a lot longer when you're innocent. you have to forgive me if i don't laugh. he's just a lonely old man. he likes to talk. i'm not working on a plan. goodnight, ray. don't touch that car. wilkins' driver's got the flu, so he asked me to fill in for him. greenville. we're picking up the new superintendent at the bus station. yes, sir. what the hell are you doing in that trunk?! i ain't escaping! we're picking up the new super just like i told you. you ain't getting out of that trunk. go where, ray? and what will we do when we get there? i'm sixty-five years old, ray. so are you. what are we gonna do out here? get married, have kids, settle down? that boat sailed without us, man. forget about that. you run if you want to, but you're not taking this car. i ain't spending a month in the hole so you can take a joy ride. hey, there's wilkins! who's driving now, bitch? some faces you just don't forget. warren pike's is one of 'em. we'd be in the hole by now. hey, man, you're peeing on my shoe. goodnight, mr. wilkins. mr. pike. cool it, ray. you're gonna get us in a lot of trouble. don't shoot, sir. i can deal with this. ray, buddy, you don't want to shoot this white man. see, you do that, they'll kill you for sure. and it's not that i like you or anything, but i've kinda gotten used to having you around. forty years of cheap labor! gimme that gun. no, believe me, i'm gonna kill him! i can't do it. what'd you say? don't call me soft, i hate it when you call me that. why don't he just tell 'em the truth? sure, boss. an erection, huh? haven't had one of those in a while. sure would like to see the house that ruth built one more time. what do you expect? it's almost as old as we are. remember what that place looked like on a sunny spring day? more beautiful than any church i was ever in. looks like old jonesy finally got his walking papers. 'course i was right. about what? i'll raise you. keeps your cholesterol down. thorazine? well, that's a little rich for my blood. damn fool gonna set this place on fire one of these days. you know, ray, i've been chewing on what you said this afternoon. i think i got a plan. shh! is that so hard to believe? you don't want to hear it, you don't want to hear it. there's no shame in that. never thought i'd hear ray gibson say that. hell with you then. you'd only slow me down anyway. i can't eat this. i saw that hot dog guy in the bathroom urinating. he didn't wash his hands. you didn't get ketchup? what am i gonna eat? thanks. hell of a day, ray. yankees are on fire. no, this ain't gonna work either. it's half chocolate, half vanilla. they're touching. yeah? you and what army? well, if you must know, they could be closer. i know you're not talking to me.