creamed chip beef on toast. except we're outta beef, so i had to improvise. those are for trusties, unless you got thirty cents or two packs of cigs. problem with the toast? at least he didn't kill santa claus with his bare hands. grandma dodi's pork rib joint. didn't even get to have my peach cobbler. i appreciate you going to all this trouble over my corn bread. i don't get a lot of compliments in my line of work. you got your own nightclub? them cookies in there? still too hot to sleep. ray, my man, this steak is like butter! how about some steak sauce? sorry, cap'n. i'll take claude to die on wednesday for fifty cents. mmm-mm, that girl's got gams. i handled your mama, didn't i? don't y'all worry. i got plans for that bad boy. ain't none of him going to waste. heads up, here comes trouble. i beg to differ. that cute little rascal belongs to me.