welcome to the farm. here you will be provided with ample opportunity to repay your debt to society through the rigors of hard labor. in between harvest and planting season we got fields need clearing, roads need building and ditches need digging. you will eat only what you can grow. your crop don't come in, you'll go hungry. if you die, don't worry 'bout us none. we'll find somebody to replace you. this here is camp 8. camp 8 is for incorrigibles, so whatever you've done to get here, believe me, we're not impressed. you new men are probably noticing that we have no fences here at camp 8. we don't need no fences, we have the gun line. it runs from shack to shack clear around the yard. you are now inside the gun line. if you step outside the gun line without my permission, you will be shot. if you trip and fall over the gun line, you will be shot. if you spit, if you pee, if you stick your ass out and take a dump over the gun line, you will be shot. one of my trusties puts a bullet in you when you're trying to run, i'm liable to give him a pardon for saving me the trouble of tracking you down, so you can bet their aim is true. my name is sgt. dillard. in the unlikely event that you need to address me, you call me boss. you already met this handsome fella right here. hoppin' bob's my ace boon coon. you run afoul of hoppin' bob, you run afoul of me. got three miles of ditch to clear today. let's keep it moving! why ain't his pick swinging? too hot, huh? well, you tell that lazy jiggaboo the state of mississippi ain't interested in his meteorological assessments. tell him the state of mississippi is only interested in getting this ditch cleared by sundown. he don't sound like he's from 'round here. new york. that's up north, ain't it? they'll find we do things different down here. looks like we got a couple of live ones. how long these boys in for? life, huh? they step outta line again, we'll shorten up that sentence real fast. i don't see no wedding ring, banks. conjugal visits are for married prisoners only. i don't need the baptists on my back, but i suppose i could issue a temporary marriage license for a nominal fee. i now pronounce you man and wife. claude banks going to the tonk! we lost yesterday on accounta the rain. that means we gotta make up for it today, so put your backs to it. you two, put him on the truck! mail call! craddock!. williams. henshaw!. banks! move it out. here they are, superintendent. we tracked 'em all the way to the tallahachie. see you in a week, boys. sure you want to do that, sir? yes, sir. go on, get inside. camp 8 is for incorrigibles, so whatever you've done to get here, believe me, we are not impressed. you new men are probably noticing that we have no fences here at camp 8. we don't need no fences, we have the gun line. it runs from shack to shack clear around the yard -- what the hell you think you're doing? can't get right, huh? we'll see how long he last. now, where was i? that's right. we don't need no fences, we have the gun line. it runs from shack to shack clear around the yard. you are now inside the gun line. banks! get over here! this is stan blocker. scout for the nigger leagues. alright, listen up! i want every man lined up out here in the yard on the double! let's move it! goddamnit, biscuit, get back here! it's alright. you're a free man now. comfortable? we'll see what those slippers feel like after, say, 24 hours. and if you step down off them bottles -- if one toe so much as touches the dirt -- one of these boys is gonna shoot you dead. let's see. we need a special man for this job. how about it, ray? i'll make you trusty right now. if that pie-eatin' son of a bitch falls off those bottles and you have to shoot him, i'll see to it you get a pardon. hell, i'll personally escort you out the gate. fourteen acres today and only 12 hours of daylight! eat up and move it out! gibson! banks! get your sorry asses over here! every morning i wake up praying that ray gibson and claude banks have died in their sleep and every morning you disappoint me. i stand before you a defeated man. try as i might, i can't seem to break you. i swear, if they dropped a nuclear bomb on this camp, you and the cockroaches would be the only things left. but starting today at least i won't have to endure your presence any longer. you've got fifteen minutes to clear out your footlockers. you're both being reassigned to the superintendent's mansion. and i, for one, will not miss you.