miss bloom?
did that p.r. man validate your parkin'?
she's a smart one.
benjamin belyeu, mr. gale's attorney.
pleasure. and this is the man of the hour.
now, why can't they turn that thing down?
mrs. bloom, i'm sure you're a bitin' at the bit.
now, it is our understanding that you are to have three two-hour sessions. today, tomorrow and thursday, all at three in the p.m. i'm sorry we can't afford you more time, but contrary to popular rumor we have not yet begun to fight. furthermore, it's our understanding that you will do this with no recording equipment of any kind. you have my gregg book?
my client's got a ten pound bass on the line and he's worried about baitin' his neighbor's hook. now, i have some papers for which i need your jo ann hancock. come by my austin office at your earliest convenience. thursday mornin', say.
fine, till thursday then.
good luck, miss bloom. i'll come by later. we can play a game of hangman, take up smokin'.
bye, ya' all.
because divorce proceedings do not require her presence in the country. for a custody hearin', yeah, she'll have to return.
but without successful completion of an alcohol treatment program, you'll be lucky to get the odd thanksgivin'.
roughly the same as you sinkin' that from here.
fine. oh, and bring in miss bloom's original when that's done. don't blame you for not watching that twice.
i understand. i generally tell folks i'm no more afraid of the grim reaper than i am of a presbyterian on mother's day. but watching your tape.  well. i had to keep tellin' myself 'that's not constance' just to get through. unfortunately, others may argue the same.
currently home to weirdos incorporated. arguably, that tape could have been made by anybody with twenty dollars and a tolerance for vulgarity.
i hope so, miss bloom, i certainly hope so. but you've got to remember that there's a machine a runnin'. and come six o'clock tomorrow mornin' that machine wants to be fed.
thank you, joshua. to add to our troubles, your own credibility may come into question.
you've been fraternizin' with the condemned. in the court's eyes, he's the most likely candidate to have put you onto the tape. he's a persuasive man, you're a out-of-state woman -- it don't look good on paper.
a fact for which we have no evidence.
thank you, bobbi.
well, let's not start readin' kafka just yet. could we find a sympathetic judge. i'll file within the hour. you headin' back over to ellis?
fine. i'll call over at the motel later and give you an update.
i employ mr. wright from time to time.
that would have defeated the purpose. apologies if i caused you unnecessary anxiety, but i'm paid to be suspicious. thought i'd return this.
denied. tape went to a federal judge two hours ago. your videographer friend made contact?
what you got was definitely a snippet. could be he has more previews scheduled. best stick close to your room.
holdin' up. i'm headed back over.
will do. we'll talk later?
watch yourselves.
thick as thieves.
passport and ticket as well.
what are you going to do?