gale's going down. hi. what's lordosis? meaning? protecting sources, even kiddie porn scumbags, is magazine policy. i could go if i were an ugly blabby guy? 'well, your honor, i started to notice that my assignments were evaluated on the basis of my sex.' 'certain references were made -- ' i'm not baby-sitting. gale was seen leaving the house. his sperm was inside her. his prints were all over the kitchen, including one on the bag. okay, half-a-thumb print. do you fondle your friends' garbage bags? hey, zack? he did it. and, empirically speaking, a psychotic. shit! the light's on again. thanks, zack. do you smell anything? a person's politics has nothing to do with their propensity to commit crime. aren't we supposed to smell it if it's overheating? throw the cigarette out so we can smell. no! you'll stink up the car. throw it out! zack! we better pull off. shit, this is so irritating. look. is it hot? i don't know, something male. company. actually yes. little early, isn't it? i meant the book. what time is it? never eat where the menus have pictures of the food. first, this isn't a story. it's an interview. we come, i listen, you watch, we go home. second, there is no 'us' in the assignment. drive around looking for decent restaurant. my reputation got us invited here. i play by the rules. it's called objectivity. yes, hello. bitsey. yes. no. no. thank you. yes. he said the gift shop could do it. this is zack. hello. so. he's a character. where's your ex-wife? all right. anything else, just clearly say, 'off the record.' i'll take it to my grave. but then you know that about me. otherwise i wouldn't be here. is this recording equipment? i'd say you're a man with a story to tell, mr. gale. you chose the magazine, the format. you chose me. go. why'd she do it? do you know where i can find her? anything written on it? try phone records, a net search. don't ask me that. i don't know. there is no truth, only perspectives. working on our philosophy merit badge, zack? this you know telepathically? seven. 'check out the crime scene in austin.' you made it sound so close. shit, two and half hours and that damn lig -- hi. i'm bitsey bloom and this is zack stemmons. we -- uh, yes. okay. oh, sure. do many people take the tour? we know, you can save that. it was in the case file. zack, open your vanity. the vanity mirror, pull it down. see that truck behind us? isn't that the cowboy from the rest area? weird coincidence, huh? alright, we're off. you're telling me someone's framing you? right, facing her body. are we on? maybe you're being paranoid? any ideas who 'they' are? belyeu's hired a detective? for god's sake, zack. it's not a happy place. what else? i don't want a surprise. what a life, waiting around for someone to die. this is a little too coincidental. forget it. what time is it? it's a long story. give me an hour. zack! it's open. look! look. what did you tell her? thanks. how about the v.c.r.? whoever got in here -- without a key in broad daylight -- was probably smart enough not to leave prints. i have the remote. they don't look for d.n.a. when someone breaks in to deliver, zack. here. no. start it. i hope this isn't what i think it is. god, no. turn it up. no, it's perfect. he knows news magazine won't give the scoop to the dailies or nightly news, not after having paid for it. probably guessed we wouldn't call the cops. and, most importantly, knows i'll tell gale tomorrow. zack, what if harraway's murder was just a means to getting gale. i mean sending him through hell, a sick cat and mouse game. you kill the one person he has left. make sure he sits six years on death row for the murder -- a place he's made a public career of loathing. and then just let him die, die knowing everyone will remember him with disgust. you destroy his loved ones, his life's work, his memory -- and you make him watch. if the mouse dies the game's over. maybe the cat's enjoying himself. or. imagine walking to the chamber knowing this exists. yeah, but smart. is it the truck? is he gaining? can you see the license? i couldn't sleep afterwards. yeah, but it's her kitchen, in her house. but it will at least get us a postponement? why? but someone put it in my hotel room. thanks. yeah. shit. did you see the cowboy go in? into his office. just saw him. follow him. find out who he is, where he lives -- what he -- a taxi. then why was he following us? why was he at belyeu and crane? why? he would've said something. maybe dusty was jealous because you were seeing constance. she died. she had your sperm -- but there has to be someone. someone with a motive, who knew you both. someone who visited that morning. there's not enough time. you know that's not what i meant. you should have done this earlier. you're going to let them kill you. goodbye, david. no thanks. what time is it? belyeu! did you have dusty wright follow us? you could have said something. no. how's david? tell him i'll take care of it, about his son, i mean. mr. belyeu. were dusty and constance close? has her shoes off, sits on the floor with her back against a bed. she's still watching the tape, tired, exasperated. zack! wake up! get up! did you throw the towel on the floor? the towel on my bathroom floor. did you put it there? do you do that at home? get up. grab the t.v. i want to check something. we're taking a tour. austin. get the t.v. wanna make a hundred bucks? we're going over the crime scene. and for the next hour i want you to do exactly what i say when i say to do it. if i say suck zack's dick, all i want to hear from you is 'may i swallow.' is your boyfriend here? well is his video camera here? get it. zoom in a hair. put the gloves on a dish rack. turn them inside out. move the tape roll about a foot to the left. and get rid of the handcuffs. come check this, zack. could you. what's your name? nico, lie down on the floor, facing the counter. that's fine. just straighten her legs. what's this? okay, look at this. i noticed this back at the hotel. see? she moves her foot. why? it's another fifteen seconds before she comes to. if she had passed out once, without fresh air she wouldn't come back. there was no head trauma, her blood tested normal -- or. we've got to bag her. all right, i'll do it. okay, i want you to wait three minutes before you take it off. three full minutes. just stand behind the tripod. both of you. have you started? zack! she. she did it herself. she used the gloves to keep fingerprints off the tape and bag. then she put them back on the dish rack, but upside down and inside out, a housewives' habit. a murderer would have just tossed them aside -- like they were the first time we were here, like you do a towel in a hotel. they threw me. i forgot you have to have the key to put them on. but she needed them. she knew she would instinctively try to rip the bag off, that at some point automatism would kick in. and she swallowed the key so she couldn't get to it. she made sure there was no way out. it's so calculated. she's handcuffed, taped at the mouth. the gloves. the damn tripod. i don't know. thanks, zack. what'd you say? oh my god, zack, that's it! that's why! to prove it happens. to have absolute proof that the system convicts innocents. no, that's how she thought. she lived for deathwatch. if she's gonna die, why not die for it? that's why the tripod was here. to record proof, undeniable proof, the tape. that's why we got an out-take. of course not. she needed help, someone to keep it, release it. someone she could trust, someone dedicated to the cause. come on. because of the berlin thing, constance knew the police would go straight to gale. in a way, he's perfect. a high profile alcoholic whose life was shit anyway. but. i don't know. something. they were close. she wouldn't want him dead. remember this thing about dusty being a bull-horner, going to far? right. maybe the plan was for dusty to release the tape after gale's conviction, after a year or so. you know, force him to dry out, let him play the heroic victim, give him back his dignity. so, dusty wright's sitting on this tape, waiting, the only one who knows about it. and maybe good ole dusty starts to think that an erroneous execution is a hell of a lot more politically useful than a last-minute save. yeah. almost martyrs don't count. what's one murder to stop thousands? right. somewhere he must have the original. what time is it? don't move from the booth. call the second you see the truck. remember, let it ring just once. then get into the woods -- into the woods, zack. shit! shit! shit! everyone! wake up new york, the warden, the governor, the goddamn supreme court death clerk! how far is it? i'll make it. give me the time. give me the goddamn time. key to your freedom? key to your.