david, don't start throwing things. go. i'll do it. david! the t.a. finished transcribing the governor's radio and tv comments. listen: 'i hate killing, that's why i'm willing to kill to stop it.' the woman breathes in soundbites. you might can use some of her pre- centrist stuff. telegenics. you have a cuter butt. i know. she's gonna do the whole mother thing. she empathizes with you completely, but experience has given her the courage to take the tougher road, ta- da, ta-da. keep it rational. and flirt politely. and watch your ego. don't come across as one of those i-hate-authority- because-nobody-in-charge-reads-the- new yorker types. yeah, don't fall into one of your brooding silences. oh, i'm getting new federal stats from amnesty tonight. if you have a hang-over tomorrow -- ten o'clock! bright-eyed and bushy tailed! okay, let's say we find an innocent on death row. wouldn't matter. corrections would let him go. governor harding would go on tv, say, 'thanks to the good people at deathwatch, the system works.' yeah, if they executed an innocent, and we had absolute, undeniable, in-your-face proof, we could demand abolition. just like happened in england. are you okay? but it hasn't happened, not since '76. and won't happen. dead men can't make a case. just keep it rational. the death penalty is expensive and ineffective. no one wants to see a murderer as a victim. and stop that. active listening. i hate active listeners. makes me feel like i'm with a dale carnegie grad who cares more about appearing to listen than actually listening. did you bring the amnesty fax? i have a copy. you want to tell me what's up. i hope you used a condom. jesus christ, david. was she one of yours? oh, that's great, great. i can hear the grapevine now. they suspended her so gale could dick her with a clear conscience. a power differential equals coercion. great. you are so weak. i know you can tell yourself it's a position i aspire to, but believe me, i would rather. let's go. yes, let's just go. your exact words were, 'just tell me when my ego gets in the way of the work.' now i'm telling you: your ego's in the way of work. you put up precisely two seconds of protest at the thought of a televised debate. it means deathwatch suffers because you're so anxious to finger authority, to publicly prove that david gale is so much fucking smarter than the powers that be. learn to work without an audience. try squeezing money from the donor list. have you ever licked one single mail-out envelope? i'll drop by your office after. you could at least hide the bottle. officially, you're on sabbatical. unofficially, they want you to look for another position. it was four to two. you're not supp. against you. against my politics. i'm sorry. you look good. i need you. deathwatch needs you, now more than ever. look. jo ann johnson's been re-scheduled. i've got a call with hawkins tonight, and if national will commit emergency funds. but i'll save a life. spring cleaning. she went up at 18, she's 26 now. i really want us to get behind this one. she's articul -- a cop. you're mixing metaphors. are we gonna do this? i'm sure we can get some pulpit time, maybe cable. john, david's going to -- no. come on, come inside. all i can feel is envy. remember those kubler-ross stages, the ones the dying go through? denial. the whole idea of there being a process makes me tired. i'm not up to the job of dying person. marveling at blades of grass. lecturing strangers to relish every moment. mending bridges. confessing regrets. uuuggh. nope. take that back. i wish i had a child. i'm sorry, david. i guess i just wish i would have risked more. uumm, also not enough sex. should have had more sex. including college? you work hard not to be seen as a sex object. before long, you're not seen at all. a pity lay. no thanks. don't worry. it's good. talk to me. let me hear your voice. hold me tight. tight. i'm scared. don't stop. stay in me. please stay in me. i need to feel you inside. i'm so tired. tired of being afraid. help me. help me. please. make it stop. how do you feel about last night? like i have a reason to get out of bed. ironic, huh? ready?