alan, let me say somethin' i always say. and i'm gonna keep on sayin.' and that is i hate killin.' that's why my administration is willing to kill to stop it. it's a nice liberal idea, but like most nice liberal ideas, naive. you've got me, professor. but let me, in my defense, give you a quote. winston churchill: 'if you're not a liberal at twenty, you've got no heart, if you're still a liberal at thirty, you've got no brain.' well, yes. i would have to agree. did i say that, too? all righty, mr. gale, i'll play your game. name one. name one innocent man texas has put to death in my tenure. one. name one in the last twenty years. in any state in this country. well, as my daddy used to say: if you can't find a problem, there probably isn't one. well, you certainly had me on that hitler quote. these debates are awfully good for the state, don't you think? well, i've got to buzz. you folks keep up the good work. we need that opposition. well, it's a tragedy for all of us. as to whether this will change policy, the people of texas will have to decide. right now, the prudent course is to put things on hold pendin' a procedural review, allow ourselves time to mourn.