well, i don't rightly know one fraternity from another. but if we catch any those boys out here again, we're gonna arrest and prosecute. you do that, susan. bye now. thank you, margie. correspondents bloom and stevens i presume. stemmons. sorry, won't happen again. i'm duke grover, t.d.c. community relations. and these days i always like to ask, now do you prefer miss, mrs. or ms.? bitsey it is. margie, i'm stealin' your umbrella. bitsey, you ever been in a prison? on death row? well, we house 422 inmates here. average stay with us is nine years. some get commuted, move on, most get killed. it'll put you off your supper, but then it's supposed to. afternoon, earl. we've got three concerns here: safety, safety and safety. the visitation area is entirely secure -- we just ask you don't touch the glass. windex gets expensive. rules say seven days prior to execution inmates must be interviewed in a cage. this changes for no man. you're not carryin' a weapon are you? mr. stemmons, you packin'? clarence. karla. new york guests for mr. gale. go on and walk through. now, should any kinda of unpleasantness occur in the visitation area, we ask that you stay put. come on through, mr. stemmons. and please follow the instructions of these fine correctional officers should they see fit to give you any. anythin' you say can be overheard. here we are. all yours, mr. belyeu. you folks have safe visit now.