you picked the wrong night to fuck with me, ray. i just lost three men and a truck full of canadian whiskey. you know what that kind of thing does to my business? it makes me want to lash out and hurt somebody. who's he? friend of yours, ray? then what are you doing here? the choirboy wants to keep his fingers. who am i to argue? drop him. you gotta lotta balls showing your face around my club. if a man's gonna run numbers on my side of broadway, you think he'd have the common sense to keep a low profile. but not ray gibson. but you do. what does that say about you, ray? what does that say about me? i've given you a lot of leeway over the years on account of your father. but he didn't last long enough to teach you the meaning of the word respect so i guess i'm gonna have to school you myself. what's that, some of your bathtub brew? where'd you get this? i'm interested. keep talking. if you fuck me on this one, i'll spare no expense. alright, ray, you've got a deal. pick your man and get going. if i was you, i'd want somebody who can handle himself in a tight spot. for your sake, i hope you can drive. somebody give him some dry clothes.