damn dentures slipping again. everything falls apart when you grow old, eh, claude? time sure marches on. you know, i'm fixing on retiring at the end of the summer, gonna try to enjoy what few years i have left. what do you think of this place? it's one of those new retirement communities down on the gulf. i apologize, claude. that was rude of me. you been on the farm for quite a spell, haven't you? forty years. that's a long time for any crime, even murder. half the men in this prison swear they're innocent. don't you think that's kinda funny? you know i trust you, claude. i'll be right back. come on, claude, time to go. lemonade? i'm sorry, i don't keep any liquor in the house. hunting's been pretty good on the farm the last few years. it's one of the perks of the job. if you're interested, tomorrow i could show you some of my favorite spots. thank you, claude. that'll be all for tonight. goodnight, claude. i believe in treating the convicts with respect, if that's what you mean. if somebody deserves respect, mr. pike, they receive it from me, convict or no convict. well, that's a pretty good haul. what do you say, mr. pike? ready to call it a day? what's going on here? he's right, gibson. put down the gun and we'll work this out. do you realize what your saying, gibson? is there any truth to what he's saying, pike? i was drawing a bead on a bird when mr. pike just stepped into my line of fire. they were busy loading up the truck. we got him back here as quick as possible, but. i just feel terrible about this. well, i think they bought it. one of the deputies belongs to my church. i realize there's no way. there's nothing i can say to make up for forty years. i'll have charlotte prepare those pardon papers right away. claude, mind helping me to the bathroom? i'm not your boss. not anymore.