we spent some time together. i was already here a good many years when they came in in 1932. sixty-five years ago. they always said the farm couldn't hold 'em forever. looks like you're finally free, boys. ray's special recipe. he always had exacting standards where the hooch was concerned. something like that. last fella who could read made parole 'round christmas. me? willie long. that's a long story. they never proved that. what did you guys do? goldmouth? they say he was born out back behind the shithouse. that's what they say. they run but they never get too far. it's a two-day walk if you don't get lost. take a mighty cagey country boy to navigate the woods and bayous between here and there. the most important thing they got in greenville is a train that heads up north. your pal's getting the tar whipped out of him on your account. the man's taken enough of a beating. let's get him inside. what's the boom boom room? mrs. gibson. shame on rayford here for failing to mention that he had such a beautiful mama. looks like a scorcher. man down, boss! last night? what are you talking about, ray? hey, ray, i could get used to this! i got a crispy new dollar bill says both of them gonna make it. let it ride. why not? boy's got god-given talent. actually, it was me, boss. i know i may look old. to superintendent abernathy. may he have many more grandchildren! wasting your breath, claude. he ain't the type to kiss and tell. they'll be sending you up there soon enough. and not just for a visit, neither. old man wilkins' never came out of that bathroom. died right there on the crapper. of course nobody believed ray and claude. after that? well, let's see. after that they got old. we all got old. looks like it's up to you, stinky ass sniffer. it's alright for a man to cry once in awhile. just don't make a habit of it. nothing to it, really. claude figured they could steal a couple of bodies from the morgue. they got a couple of crackers working there don't know their asses from their elbows. then they was gonna set fire to the infirmary and make it look like those bodies was them that got stuck inside. claude figured during the commotion, it wouldn't be too hard to slip onto one of the fire trucks and hang tight until it rolled right on out of here in the morning. i never said it didn't work.