darling. have we made new york safe for another weekend? any hundreds? goddamn cash machines. these wall street kids deal with fake money all day, they think cash is a theoretical concept -- like it doesn't apply. i see 'em at two, shudder to think at nine they're buying and selling -- turned me off the stock market. tomorrow will be easier. maybe we can all eat together. go on. you look tired. here, take a couple of c's. i'll pick up anything that comes in. sleep tight. johnny! robert! come here! plant me two kisses, boys, fifteen hundred ex at thirty each and the delivery's here. whatja think? the face cream. almond, marigold, chamomile, egg, aloe -- the "almilk" formula. i remixed it. reminds me, if you get downtown stop at enhancements and pick up some almond oil -- not the california. what should we order? darling, it's saturday. answer that. he'll call back every five minutes. "ped srilom"? -- it's northeastern. duck. laugh, one day you'll be watching me on "oprah" from a welfare hotel. you take it -- call in. good for the trees -- it's started. take a coat. and you, clean up the product before the food delivery comes. your pay's on the table. two weeks -- don't run. stay a while. we'll order kosher. we'll tell you dirty stories. we'll talk zionism. invest in my cosmetics line. shalom. see you next week. don't eat any hot dogs! it's all over the news. we are careful. go. keep on his good side. he set up arizona. let's have lunch. tomorrow. one o'clock. cte basque. is that too early? fine. you have any money saved? what do you do with your money? it's tax free -- kitty ford once told me, "ann, the only person i know that lives as well as you is my grandmother." all the money i've made, all the money i've spent -- it never adds up. this last two years cosmetics' been taking everything. you still go to meetings? ask robert to make up a chart for you; the other person -- who is it? what's the plan? what you gonna do? too conceptual? this time it's for real. you took that before. modeling. i have feelings too -- you may have noticed. i guess i'm worried. i'm tough, you gotta to be tough, especially in this business, it's one thing to act tough -- i've seen zipporah twice this week. -- harmonizes, she's encouraging me to get out of this into the cosmetics thing -- nomination for best picture. i knew every girl he fucked -- how, why. i knew when he had trouble shitting. like this. his wife says he gets straight or she cuts him off. old money. i remember the last thing he said to me: "see you soon." yeah, sure. that was five years ago. you'll still talk to me, won't you? it'll be strange without you around. i hadn't thought of it -- it hit me. john. johnny, what is this? your beeper broke, gettin' some shiatsu? two hours: where have you bee? how you gonna survive on your own? the u.n.'s got some conference in two days. the holiday's over -- ragheads everywhere trying to score. u.n. security at every hotel -- little creeps with lapel pins. even i've been out. this is where our money is: europe, asia, not the streets -- you wouldn't know crack from crackerjacks. busting his ass. he's out doing your job. get confused on your day off. don't get wise. what do you want me to do? suck your dick? -- okay. a raise? no way. get out there. there's a list on the tv. i love you. get your ass outta here before i kiss it. have some shu mai. just delivered. about what? what's wrong baby? you like like shit. something wrong? you can't fool me. i can read you. johnny, it's not that at all. is that what you think? you hate cosmetics. you don't care about it. you told me that. who knows what will happen? what's with this thing? you want in? we'll make a place for you. it's -- don't answer it. let him call all night. he's trouble. i don't want to deal with him. he gives you shit -- fuck him. spring roll. the prodigal son. where were you? this is family. are you saying that to hurt me? it's not money. the label for the cosmetics line. kathmandu. yeah. says you were supposed to show up again yesterday, but didn't. can't. he's the ecstasy connect. no way i can fuck this. this is business. tis won't deal with fags. just is -- so he's a bigot? what's new? so's everybody else. why? you giving orders? okay. you got it. like old times -- ann and johnny. it's going to be strange, not doing this. i mean i've had it, but sometimes. i think so. seal this thing with tis, turn it -- go with the cosmetics. you gotta take a chance in life. no risk, no gain. i've already got retail connections here, london. it was great at the beginning, though. you know, when we first started out of the place on greene street. before deliveries, when you were still using. it was open house every night but sunday. we had everything: uppers, downers, meth, six kinds of hash, all in that trousseau, remember? you could get in for a gram, stay all night -- everybody, music people, movies, wall street, fashion -- even politics. i think like five marriages came out of those parties, babies -- really. god. you stayed, you then robert -- but he. i'da never thought you'd, what is it, twelve years? others, lucky a year max, eight months, in, out, start using, unreliable -- nice kids. remember when you first came: long hair, dirty fingers -- -- never washed -- i should write a book someday. did you know somebody wanted to do my story? ghostwrite. it was impossible, of course -- my lawyer freaked i even had the meeting. people envy me. they think my life is so glamorous, but they don't know. i know. glamorous. it was for a while. then came crack and fucked everything. why? it's out of the way. they're expecting you. chill. this is routine. oh. okay. that took long enough. what did you do, douche while you were at it? you don't want to know where it's been. cologne? phew. it smells like that stuff they give you on airplanes. it's no good for your skin. all chemicals. what's that? what? what is it? okay. we are. he's here. he can't very well work out of his apartment after what happened yesterday, can he? mathis bruge, please. tis? ann. i'm here with tour. okay. twelve-oh-four. i told you greasy fucks i don't deal with guns! i see guns, i walk! how dare you? and you, beaner, whoever the fuck you are, kiss my fat ass! that's it! tis! shitball! i know you're fucking there! let this be a lesson! you wanna deal, you gonna apologize for this! let's go. we came together, we're leaving together. johnny, come with me. fire! fire! fire! hi. i look respectable. any news? it feels like forever. i love your letters. robert quit. he went back to dealing. i think he thought it would be less work, more money. it's lucky in a way i got mixed up in it -- now i have to see this thing through. so it's cosmetics after all. me too. what do you mean? there was that party when everybody was so stoned, but -- oh yeah, that night you came over and crashed and we slept together. you had a hard-on. you tried. me too. strange how things work.