get a job. tens! did what's-his-name give you a hard time? yeah. fucking investment bankers. it's over. pick up the trash. jack. you pick up from jealous? we don't make the laws. nineteen is carrying, twenty is dealing. let him be stupid. take over for a while. i'm getting contact high. the ecstasy connection. from arizona. she's trying to get them to come here -- or, better, europe. all mark-up -- the "big one." that's what she says. new year's eve and out -- no acid house, no product, no deliveries. next year -- strictly akasha. cosmetics. that's what ann's calling the company now -- why'd anyone pay to put them up their nose? i like cosmetics. i need cosmetics. you should come in with us. thai. we haven't had thai in a while. the night begins. me too. remove unsightly hair! eddie wants now. now. his place. top lady. god knows what happened to his shit yesterday. don't you watch tv? well if you were the normal stupid fuck you should be so lucky to be and had one, you'd know it's supposed to rain -- some farmer whacked his numerology on us. the farmer's almanac is based on numerology. we're too small time. besides, she wasn't one of ours -- not directly. tis is at st. luke's. he wants somebody over right away. second floor waiting room. he says he needs you to come to st. luke's. i'd go but i got the other thing. yeah. tonight? okay. i told ann you'd be on time. tis called. he said before ten. he said you were right. remember the time that cop called here? wanted to know if we had "nose candy"? ann says, "john candy?" "john candy?" jack. i got a friend -- a d.d. -- got into lapidary. i'll introduce you. you have to pass a test. gems, you know, crystals, diamonds. stay away. shit. i'm sorry if -- we're going chinese tonight, okay? i mean we're on a roll -- who is it? where have you been? we were worried. it's hideous. i did it years ago. i've got to throw everything out. you haven't been here? oh, jack, this is tony. i told you about him. you should talk. he's the lapidopterist -- gems. same thing. sure. they go way back -- before me. did you cross him? don't. he's ann's ecstasy connection. she needs that score. what happened? don't mess with him. everybody's dangerous. we heard what you did to eddie. ann thought it was great. she was afraid that was why you didn't come back. about what? tis who? ann says you want a chart done. what's wrong? you down? what? compared to what? my thinking this or that is going to make any difference? there's a plan unfolding. "will my plane crash?" "does life have meaning?" -- why ask me? thinking's a fear of living, negative living; living's something else. you're afraid. let the plan unfold. stop. stop, live one day -- one day -- -- day at a time. i'm a drug dealer. yeah. there's a plastic bottle of bath oil in the cabinet. yellow. use it -- tell me what you think. it's a new formula. "too complicated to explain." look at this. we had a graphic artist make it up -- you know, billy, five towns. tis called twice. he wants you to come by. he said you. he is -- no, missy. stop it. you're breaking my heart.