coffee? black? here. have you ever been to a psychic before? do you need advice? john? be comfortable. how did you hear about me? it's a lot of money? i look at you. i give you my impressions. i feel your "vibrations" -- i don't like that word, it sounds phony, but i can't think of anything better. you're anxious. more than usual. your aura is very strong. i feel a very strong vibration from you. a change is coming. you're worried about money. you say you don't care about money but that's not true. your livelihood is endangered. you're worried about the future. you don't have much money saved. what will you do? i see a woman who has betrayed you. who will betray you. keep it in mind. i have a strong feeling about this woman, a woman close to you, she will betray you. you're in the entertainment business, aren't you? but you're not happy. you want to do something else. is it music? you have a talent for music. you still have it. it's strong. i see music in your future. a career opportunity will come in the music field. take it. it won't seem promising. take it anyway. you're full of stress. are you exercising? you should exercise more. you must let go of this stress. it's not good for your health. i'm not saying you're going over to the other side, but it's not good for you. you're still drinking, aren't you? you have a drinking problem? it's interfering with your health and your life too. you've had other problems. drug addiction. this was very important in your life. you are in the balance. everything you do -- positive or negative -- in this life is a drop that will carry over in the next. every act, every decision matters. what is it? you're young. i see a glow. everything you need is around you. the only danger is inside you. who is it? what time is it? call. make an appointment. do i know you? john? step back. again. death. this was not an accident. this person was murdered. there is danger around you. it's very close. i'm sleepy. i can't see it. yes. don't be afraid. go home. nothing. forget it. let me sleep.