there's been some trouble downtown. what the papers used to call a "gangland slaying." no, terry. they don't work like that. jenny wilson's father paid a little visit, left a message. well, either they have a very liberal work-release program, or he's out, because he's here in l.a., looking for you. we wait, and we watch. is just arriving in his car. valentine gestures at him. suddenly we hear a loud, bass-heavy whhuuummmppp. in his car, takes a different turn. falls backwards to the ground as he gets the hell out of the way. their eyes meet momentarily. and before wilson can shoot, avery rolls over the edge of the road himself. pulls himself back up to the road. brushing himself off. looking the way they went. you should have let me do the talking. what did you tell them. heavier than that now. but are there any drugs in that stomach to back up your story. and where is this guest? don't they want to interview him. we'll find him. you could use a few of my prime shitkickers up here. there's already gonna be talk about how people close to you keep falling into canyons. i have other resources. walks in. stops to look around. spots his two freaks. walks toward them. makes contact. stacy. come over here. speaks softly. alone with stacy. how they goin', kid? how'd you like to kill someone for me? same as last time -- the rest after. when you find the guy, you'll know. i'll point you in the right direction, but you'll have to take it to the end- zone. he's a hit-and-run gunman -- i figure he's not cruising the polo lounge. see, a successful man like me has limitations -- i lose touch at a street level. so i have to depend on a smart boy like you who's closer to the nitty and the gritty than i am. that's why i'm letting you take care of this. i'm the one with appearances to maintain. but who gives a shit about you? not even god. at a payphone. his idiots in the background. dials a number. we weren't followed. susan. where's the remote? his brow furrows. leaves the window and moves to valentine. tom has joined them. after a beat: turn all the lights out. i'll get adhara. stay away from the windows. i need you to come with me. please. i thought i said stay away from the window. entering the kitchen with adhara in tow. he brings her around behind the counter. everybody in the kitchen. behind the counter. because i'm taking care of it. draws his gun and takes aim. locked on him, waiting. he sees enough. squeezes off a series of shots, the muzzle flash strobing the kitchen area like a flashbulb, adhara and valentine flinching. lowers his gun. turns to tom. watch my back. careful. takes the gun and turns the body over. puzzled. what the hell is this guy doing here? he starts feeling around stacy's jacket for anything useful, but is interrupted when his hand explodes, accompanied by the sound of a gunshot. he screams in pain. near death. gun in his good hand. he squeezes the trigger again. exhales and rolls over. has just barely managed to reach stacy's pistol. raises it weakly. points it at wilson. lowers the gun. nods in the direction valentine went. that way .