there's one thing i don't understand. the thing i don't understand . is every motherfucking thing you're saying. well, i'll tell you. i believe this valentine screwed me out of a fair sum of money. but i can't be sure. i don't even know who he is. he's too insulated. too many layers around him. yeah, i guess you are. that dude who works for valentine. he's the one sent those guys after you. you know that. so what's your beef, pal? it was you. downtown. because that wasn't anything to do with me. and suspicion has been cast in my direction. didn't make any sense. choosing those shitheads over me, cutting me out of the deal, then screwing them over too. he'd already grabbed more than his allotted cut. didn't think he'd be so bold as to take all of it. of the deal, man. but if you're mad at him too and he's mad at you . that must make us pals. in which case i'll just do what i usually do. what am i doing?