jimmy? hey, what's up, man? don't sweat it. i could give a shit about this thing. i was hopin' some rich doctor or lawyer or somethin' hit me. she'll be alright. you didn't hit us that hard - it's gotta look worse than it is. fuck that, you'll have all kinds 'a problems if we do that. cops, insurance and whatnot. you probably got drugs on you. just give her a minute, she'll snap out of it. she's a stripper, for god-sake. see? i told ya. put that shit away. i'll take her home and give her some k, she'll be fine. jimmy, listen, she's gonna be fine. a guy like you should be avoidin' that kinda' attention. bro, she ain't my girl. she plows through all my drugs, and i fuck her like a goddam whore. she's a whore. see, she's fine. no, man, i'm good. you been placin' bets with bobby the bookie again? sellin' drugs ta pay off the plastic, huh? look, i'm definitely interested in a little bit for myself, definitely, but i ain't no dealer like you. lemme think about it. seriously? listen, i gotta get going. patch her head up and shit. don't even sweat it, man, i told ya. hey man, it's dave. i got happy news for you. i told ya, i got plenty. but about the other stuff, i been thinkin' 'bout your problem, and i know a guy who could help you out. buy a lot a' your shit all at once. no, no. i'm talkin' 'bout the coke an' shit. i might know somebody. this spear-chucker from manville. sold me some fake d-ball once. i tied his brother's dog to my front bumper and we talked it out. turned out to be an okay guy. i gave him a call and he's definitely lookin'. well, he's pretty small time, but he's itchin' to move up a few notches. he talks so much shit it's hard to tell. you need to talk to him.