yeah, so? you do drugs. everybody knows my brother does drugs. yeah. everybody knows about that, too. i'm just saying. why'd you try to put everything back in the house? here, i brought this. dad gave it to you, remember? you left it. i brought it for you. i don't want it. in prison? no, not lately. vincent? vincent's gone. she's on victor now. he found out about victor. no. i don't wanna talk about it. forget it. you know he has porno magazines all over his truck. where are we going?! i can't believe you're doing this. everybody who reads tomorrow's paper. no, you shut up! do you know how embarrassing you are?! the car ran out of gas in the driveway! everybody at school makes fun of me! and then you try to put everything back! i mean, god, how stupid can you be?! the herald had a picture of the owner laughing at you! get off me! you fucking loser! i still go there. i'm a freshman. my brother. corey. becker. unfortunately. so what are you? yeah.