you hear about your ex? yeah, asshole jerry. he's moving to middletown. he left this morning. carter said. he got some job at some company, giving his uncle hand-jobs. i got us tickets to see adam tomorrow. ally, i don't want to go either, but derek told adam he'd go, and i'm not going by myself. i wish. i know her. when i was dating steve, that slut fucked him. she started dating steve right after we broke up. i mean right after. i asked him if there was another girl, and he never answered. he couldn't answer, because he was fucking that slut. i know what i'm doing. we'll get there. listen, fuck that slut, okay?! she can fucking rot in hell! i'm not rushing for her slut ass! i-don't-fucking-care!! that slut can kiss my ass! you hear me, you fucking bitch?! are you seeing anybody else? hello?! are you seeing anybody else?! you're not cheating on me? be honest. you're fucking annoying me! don't you hang up! see? that asshole's cheating. ally, he's a cheater. that's what he does - he cheats. now it's my turn just like all the others. let's go. i should pick up one of them assholes. five-thirty, and i'm not missing it. ally, i have a pain right here that has nothing to do with my head. my dad died of heart disease, and if that asshole taught me anything, it's better to be paranoid than dead. that's her. tess. ally, i know that's her. that's his type, too. that little slut. sorry if i snapped. i mean this morning. i'm just afraid its gonna be the whole thing all over again with derek, and then i've got to find some other asshole, and do it all again. i'm sick of the whole cycle. i'm trying, but he's fucking it all up. are you comin' with me to register tomorrow? why not? i'm gonna be late. you know how booked he always is. i don't wanna be referred to that quack hengis. i don't trust women doctors. ally, i'm really feeling something. a deep ache, like someone's crushing me. this can't wait. hell yes. are you sure you're using that thing right? i feel this ache right here, like i'm being crushed between two boards. i don't need a head doctor! can't i be concerned about my health?! is that so outrageous?! i just don't want to be walking around tomorrow and drop dead because my heart collapses, and so that makes me weird or paranoid. okay, yeah, see you next week. take a look at that paper. there's at least a half dozen apartments i circled that would be perfect. great. are you fucking tess? i'm not dropping this! you see that? he practically said yes. i'm gonna look through his shit. you're a lot of help, ally. really. thanks. see?! see?! ally, i'm on the fucking pill. he hasn't used condoms with me for weeks. ally, these are not left-overs. he never used regular condoms with me. because if he did, he took two fucking days to come. i always made him wear ultra-thin, ribbed, anything but this shit. ally, i'd be done, and i'd have to lie there like another hour 'till he got off. i couldn't fucking stand it. why the hell do you think i started on the pill, ally? me. putting that hormone shit in my body. well that's why. anyway, that's neither here nor fucking there. that asshole is using no, no, fuck that. we're going to go to the party, have some fun. when he's all good and drunk, you're going to ask him when i'm not around. ally, i'm serious. if he's drunk and having fun, and you just work it in on him real casual, he may slip. he'll never admit shit to me. ally! just fucking try it! ally, look, he's cheating on me, i know it in my heart, but i want him to admit it, alright? before i fucking flush what's left of this shithole relationship down the toilet, i want him to admit it. fine. what's up. wanna shot? skirt. hey, there he is! jimmy! jimmy, relax. my god. can't you just take care of us for tonight? you know what? you need to get laid, jimmy. maybe you'd relax a little. well i'm not going to drop to my knees for a lousy dimebag, so fuck him. what's dickhead doing? i knew he was lying. this is your best card? shut up and drink, asshole. i should call him. he's probably got that tess on all fours, fucking the shit out of her like the skank she is. no, you're right, fuck him. drink. fucking everyone drink. alright, alright! you little slut! i got one for you! right over there in front of the door! you like it, too, you little slut! no! no! alright, okay, yeah! maybe! bring him a drink! no, ally, this one is for me. you take that handsome boy one of these other. . take him this! i think so. vodka. vodka. i don't know. there's not much left. i'm not that kind of girl. that's nasty. wanna wash your mouth out? my god, ally. i'm all talk. i can't cheat on derek. i love derek. it's just that he makes me so mad. and that makes me a psycho. every time a girl loses her temper, she's a let's not use the word nuts, alright? yeah, well, don't say nuts. don't say nuts, don't say psycho, don't- yes you do! yes you do! well, what do you mean? oh, i don't mean to! i'd never say anything to hurt you, ally! i'm so sorry! oh, you're right! i am a psycho! a rotten-bitch-psycho! i scare you - ally - who would never hurt anyone or, or anything! i don't mean it! you're my best friend! my sister! i love you so much! you deserve it! you're so perfect! yes you are! you fucking slut! wanna take me in there and fuck my brains out? fucking great, let's go. derek? get away from me. fuck you.